.. _dfnflow-chapter: dfnFlow ======== *dfnFlow* involves using flow solver such as PFLOTRAN or FEHM. PFLOTRAN is recommended if a large number of fractures ( > O(1000)) are involved in a network. Using the function calls that are part of pydfnworks, one can create the mesh files needed to run PFLOTRAN. This will involve creating unstructured mesh file ``*uge`` as well as the boundary ``*ex`` files. Please see the PFLOTRAN user manual at http://www.pflotran.org under unstructured *explicit* format usage for further details. An example input file for PFLOTRAN is provided in the repository. Please use this as a starting point to build your input deck. Below is a sample input file. Refer to the PFLOTRAN user manual at http://www.pflotran.org for input parameter descriptions. .. code-block:: c # Jan 13, 2014 # Nataliia Makedonska, Satish Karra, LANL #================================================ SIMULATION SIMULATION_TYPE SUBSURFACE PROCESS_MODELS SUBSURFACE_FLOW flow MODE RICHARDS / / END SUBSURFACE DFN #=========================== discretization =================================== GRID TYPE unstructured_explicit full_mesh_vol_area.uge GRAVITY 0.d0 0.d0 0.d0 END #=========================== fluid properties ================================= FLUID_PROPERTY DIFFUSION_COEFFICIENT 1.d-9 END DATASET Permeability FILENAME dfn_properties.h5 END #=========================== material properties ============================== MATERIAL_PROPERTY soil1 ID 1 POROSITY 0.25d0 TORTUOSITY 0.5d0 CHARACTERISTIC_CURVES default PERMEABILITY DATASET Permeability / END #=========================== characteristic curves ============================ CHARACTERISTIC_CURVES default SATURATION_FUNCTION VAN_GENUCHTEN M 0.5d0 ALPHA 1.d-4 LIQUID_RESIDUAL_SATURATION 0.1d0 MAX_CAPILLARY_PRESSURE 1.d8 / PERMEABILITY_FUNCTION MUALEM_VG_LIQ M 0.5d0 LIQUID_RESIDUAL_SATURATION 0.1d0 / END #=========================== output options =================================== OUTPUT TIMES s 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 # FORMAT TECPLOT BLOCK PRINT_PRIMAL_GRID FORMAT VTK MASS_FLOWRATE MASS_BALANCE VARIABLES LIQUID_PRESSURE PERMEABILITY / END #=========================== times ============================================ TIME INITIAL_TIMESTEP_SIZE 1.d-8 s FINAL_TIME 1.d0 d== MAXIMUM_TIMESTEP_SIZE 10.d0 d STEADY_STATE END # REFERENCE_PRESSURE 1500000. #=========================== regions ========================================== REGION All COORDINATES -1.d20 -1.d20 -1.d20 1.d20 1.d20 1.d20 / END REGION inflow FILE pboundary_left_w.ex END REGION outflow FILE pboundary_right_e.ex END #=========================== flow conditions ================================== FLOW_CONDITION initial TYPE PRESSURE dirichlet / PRESSURE 1.01325d6 END FLOW_CONDITION outflow TYPE PRESSURE dirichlet / PRESSURE 1.d6 END FLOW_CONDITION inflow TYPE PRESSURE dirichlet / PRESSURE 2.d6 END #=========================== condition couplers =============================== # initial condition INITIAL_CONDITION FLOW_CONDITION initial REGION All END BOUNDARY_CONDITION INFLOW FLOW_CONDITION inflow REGION inflow END BOUNDARY_CONDITION OUTFLOW FLOW_CONDITION outflow REGION outflow END #=========================== stratigraphy couplers ============================ STRATA REGION All MATERIAL soil1 END END_SUBSURFACE