.. _dfnWorks-python-chapter: pydfnworks: the dfnWorks python package ======================================== The pydfnworks package allows the user to run dfnWorks from the command line and call dfnWorks within other python scripts. Because pydfnworks is a package, users can call individual methods from the package. The pydfnworks must be setup by the user using the following command in the directory ``dfnWorks/pydfnworks/`` : ``python setup.py install`` (if the user has admin privileges), OR: ``python setup.py install --user`` (if the user does not have admin privileges): The documentation below includes basic information about the DFN class and pydfnworks setup. pydfnWorks : Modules ------------------------ Information about the various pieces of pydfnworks is found in :ref:`pydfnGen ` - Network generation, meshing, and analysis :ref:`pydfnFlow ` - Flow simulations using PFLOTRAN and FEHM :ref:`pydfnTrans ` - Particle Tracking :ref:`pydfnGraph ` - Graph-based analysis and pipe-network simulations :ref:`Well-Package ` - Well simulations DFN Class and setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: pydfnworks.general.dfnworks :members: create_dfn General Work-flow functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Set up run paths ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: pydfnworks.general.paths :members: define_paths Helper functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: pydfnworks.general.general_functions :members: dump_time, print_run_time Detailed Doxygen Documentation ---------------------------------- Doxygen_ .. _Doxygen: pydfnWorks_docs/index.html