dfnWorks Primary Development Team

Dr. Jeffrey Hyman is the primary developer of dfnWorks, which has been applied to a wide range of applications including nuclear waste disposal, carbon sequestration, unconventional hydrocarbon acquisition, and geothermal energy extraction. He holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics and PhD minor in Hydrology and Water resources and has a unique background in applied mathematics (specifically numerical methods and stochastic processes), model design and development, and system analysis.
Dr. Carl Gable is Group Leader of Computational Earth Science at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He has spent most of his scientific career focused on mesh generation, model setup, and computational geometry. His focus on the dfnWorks team is developing automated methods to mesh discrete fracture networks (DFN) and discrete fracture matrix (DFM) systems.
Dr. Matt Sweeney has a PhD in geology from the University at Buffalo and is interested in computational fluid dynamics and understanding multiphase geological flows. As part of the dfnWorks team, he works on improving the capabilities of modeling coupled fracture-matrix systems including continuum and explicit approaches.
Dr. Hari Viswanathan is a senior scientist with expertise in flow and transport modeling in porous and fractured media. He has worked on a broad set of subsurface applications that include oil and gas, carbon sequestration, nuclear waste disposal and nuclear nonproliferation. His projects have utilized dfnWorks to discover mechanisms controlling hydrocarbon extraction and CO2 and Rn leakage.
Scott Painter (ORNL)
Quan Bui (LLNL)
Jeremy Harrod (Spectra Logic)
Thomas Sherman (CRCL Solutions)
Johannes Krotz (ORNL)
Shriram Srinivasan (LANL)
Yu Chen (LANL)
Aric Hagberg (LANL)
Gowri Srinivasan (LANL)