dfnGen - C++ Generation Code

dfnGen creates the discrete fracture networks using the feature rejection algorithm for meshing (FRAM). Fractures can be created stochastically or as deterministic features.

The detailed description of FRAM and the implemented methodology is in J. D. Hyman, C. W. Gable, S. L. Painter, and N. Makedonska. Conforming Delaunay triangulation of stochastically generated three dimensional discrete fracture networks: A feature rejection algorithm for meshing strategy. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 36(4):A1871–A1894, 2014.

Domain Parameters

The following parameters define the domain. All units are in SI (meters for length).


Parameters with (Mandatory) label must be present in python driver script for simulations to run.


Description: (Mandatory) Defines the domain size, which is centered at the origin (0,0,0). The first entry is span in x (east/west), the second entry is span in y (North/South), and the third entry is span in z (Top/Bottom).

Type: List of three floats

Default : None


DFN.parameters['domainSize']['value'] = [10.0,5.0,20.0]
# Create a domain of 10 m by 5 m by 20.
# Minimum/Maximum x is -5/+5
# Minimum/Maximum in y is -2.5/+2.5
# Minimum/Maximum in z is -10/+10.


The minimum and maximum in each direction is 1/2 the input value.


Description: Temporary domainSize increase for inserting fracture centers outside of the domain defined by domainSize. After generation is complete, the domain is truncated back to domainSize. First entry is expansion in x (east/west), second entry is expansion in y (North/South), and third entry is expansion in z (Top/Bottom). This is used to help mitigate edge density effects.

Type: List of three floats

Default: [0,0,0]


DFN.params['domainSizeIncrease']['value'] = [2,1,5]
# Increase the domain-size by:
# adding 1 to the +x, and subtracting 1 to the -x
# adding 0.5 to +y, and subtracting -0.5 to -y
# adding 2.5 to +z, and subtracting -2.5 to -z


The domain size increase in each direction must be less than 1/2 the domain size in that direction.


A good rule of thumb is to set the expansion length to be at least the radius of the largest fracture.


Description: Defines the number of stratographic layers in the domain. If numOfLayers is 0, then there are no layers. For N layers, there must be N sets of minimum and maximum heights defined in layers. Each stochastic fracture set is assigned to a layer when creating a fracture family (See pydfnGen).

Type: Non-Negative Integer (N > 0)

Default: 0


DFN.params['numOfLayers']['value'] = 2 # There will be two layers in the domain


Description. Defines the lower and upper limits for each layer. The first layer listed is layer 1, the second is layer 2, etc. Every stochastic families must be assigned to a layer. If the family is assigned to layer 0, then the family in generated through the entire domain.

Type: List of numOfLayers lists with two elements. [zMin, zMax]

Default: None


DFN.params['layers']['value'] =  [[-50, -30],  # Minimum and Maximum height of layer 1 is -50 m and -30 m
                                    [10, 40]] # Minimum and Maximum height of layer 2 is 10 m and 40 m


First entry (zMin) must be less than second entry (zMax)
Layers can overlap


Description: Defines the number of cuboid regions in the domain. If numOfRegions is 0, then there are no regions. There must be N sets of defined by regions. Each stochastic fracture set is assigned to a region during fracture family creation (See pydfnGen).

Type: Non-Negative Integer (N > 0)

Default: 0


DFN.params['numOfRegions']['value'] = 1 # There will be one region in the domain


Description: Defines the bounding box of each region. The first region listed is region 1, the region is region 2, etc. Stochastic families must be assigned to theses regions. If the family is assigned to region 0, then the family in generated through the entire domain.

Type: List of numOfRegions lists with six elements. [minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ].

Default: None


DFN.params['regions']['value'] = [[-5, 5, -10, 10, -20, 10],
                                    [0, 10, -5, 15, 10, 20]]
                                    # Will create two regions for sampling
                                    # The first region with
                                    # x-min: -5, x-max: 5
                                    # y-min: -10, y-max: 10
                                    # z-min: -20, z-max: 10


Min/Max values for each direction do not need to be the same.
Minimum value must be less than the maximum value in each direction
Regions can overlap


Description: Selection of using the boundary faces option.

Type: boolean

False: use boundaryFaces option
True: ignore boundaryFaces option and keep all clusters


DFN.params['ignoreBoundaryFaces']['value'] = True


All clusters are retained only if keepOnlyLargestCluster is set to 0.


Description: Selects domain boundaries for flow. The generation will only keep clusters of fractures with connections to domain boundaries which are set to 1.

Type: list of six boolean values corresponding to each face of the domain.

boundaryFaces[0] = +X domain boundary
boundaryFaces[1] = -X domain boundary
boundaryFaces[2] = +Y domain boundary
boundaryFaces[3] = -Y domain boundary
boundaryFaces[4] = +Z domain boundary
boundaryFaces[5] = -Z domain boundary

Default: [1,1,0,0,0,0]


DFN.params['boundaryFaces']['value'] = [1,1,0,0,0,0] # Keep fractures within a cluster that connect the X boundaries


ignoreBoundaryFaces must be False (default) when using this feature

General Network Generation Parameters

The following parameters define the general network properties.


parameters with (Mandatory) label must be present in python driver script for simulations to run.


Description: Selection criteria for when network generation stops.

Type: boolean (0/1)

Default: 1

0: stop generation once nPoly fractures are accepted
1: stop generation once all fracture family p32 values have been meet


DFN.params['stopCondition']['value'] = 1


p32 values are defined for each family during the creation of the fracture family. If stopCondition = 0 the famProb of a fracture belonging to a family is set during the creation of the fracture family (See pydfnGen).


Description: The total number of fractures requested in the domain. dfnGen will stop generation once there are nPoly number of fractures.

Type: Positive Integer (nPoly > 0)

Default: None


DFN.params['nPoly']['value'] = 100 # Stop generation once 100 fractures are accepted into the network


Only used if stopCondition is set to 0


Description: Probability of occurrence for each family of stochastically generated fractures. Values of famProb elements must add up to 1.0. The probabilities are saved in order of families starting with all stochastic ellipses, and then all stochastic rectangles.

Type: List of length number of stochastic fracture families (nFamEll + nFamRect)

This list is automatically generated. The values are defined with the creation of each fracture family (See pydfnGen).


User defined ellipses, rectangles, and polygons are inserted into the domain prior to any stochastic fractures. However, there is a possibility they will be rejected if FRAM constraints are not met.


Description: Selection of fracture family orientation definition.

Type: Value of 0,1,2

0 : Spherical Coordinates
1 : Trend / Plunge
2 : Dip / Strike

This value is set automatically with the definition of fracture families (See pydfnGen).


For spherical coordinates, values are defined using the function parameters theta/phi.
For Trend/Plunge, values are defined using trend/plunge.
For Dip/Strike, values are defined using dip/strike.


When using Trend / Plunge or Dip / Strike, angleOption must be set to degree (default), angleOption = ‘degree’


Description: Selection of fracture family angle units. All stochastically generated fracture families will use the specified units

Type: String of either ‘degree’ or ‘radian’

Default: ‘degree’


DFN.params['angleOption']['value'] = 'radian'


When using Trend / Plunge or Dip / Strike, angleOption must be set to degree (default), angleOption = ‘degree’


Description: (Mandatory) Minimum feature size accepted into the network.

Type: Positive float


The following constraints are imposed on h to keep the final mesh size reasonable, unless disableFram is turned on.
1. h must be greater than 10^{-5} \cdot \sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + z^2} where x,y,z are the elements of domainSize.
2. h must be smaller than 1/10th the minimum fracture size
3. h must be larger than 1/1000th than minimum fracture size
4. h must be non-zero

Default: None


DFN.params['h']['value'] = .1



disableFram: If FRAM is turned off (disableFram: True) the resulting network can only be meshed using the coarse visual mode. You cannot mesh DFN or run flow and transport if the network is generated with disableFram: True.

Description: (Mandatory) Turn FRAM on/off. Having FRAM on is required for full DFN capabilities of meshing, flow, and transport. If FRAM is off then capabilities will be limited.

Type: boolean

False: FRAM is on
True: FRAM is off

Default: False


DFN.params['disableFram']['value'] = False


disableFram: True and visualizationMode :1 are recommended if the intention is to use an upscaled octree mesh using the UDFM module in pydfnWorks.


Description: Option to print rejection information to screen during network generation.

Type: boolean

False: off. Limited rejection information will be printed to screen during generation.
True: on. Detailed fracture information will be printed to screen during generation.

Default: False


DFN.params['printRejectReasons']['value'] = True


Turning this feature on is useful for debugging and initial network construction. Having this turned off is more efficient for network generation.


Description: If fracture is rejected, it will be re-translated to a new position rejectsPerFracture number of times. Increasing this value can help hit distribution targets for stochastic families.

Type: Positive Integer

Default: 10


DFN.params['rejectsPerFracture']['value'] = 10 # If a fracture is rejected, it will be translated to a new point in the domain 10 times before being completely rejected


Default is 10. Set equal to 1 to ignore.


Description: Increases the length of the radii list in the sampling queue by this percentage. Fracture radii are sampled and ordered (largest to smallest) prior to beginning network generation. If the target distributions are not being properly resolved due to rejection, then increasing this value can help provide a more uniform representation of the distribution. Once the original list is exhausted, then fracture radii are sampled from the distribution at random and only smaller fractures are likely to be accepted.

Type: Positive Double

Default: 0.1


DFN.params['radiiListIncrease']['value'] = 0.10 # Increase the length of the possible samples by 10%.


Set to 0 to ignore.


Examine the dfnGen output report to check if the prescribed distributions are being properly resolved. Run DFN.output_report() in the python work file after generation is complete to generate the output report.



No longer supported. Selection of visual mode should be done using the pydfnWorks function DFN.mesh_network(visual_mode=True)

Description: Selection if you want to mesh to be coarse, for quick visualization but cannot run flow and transport, or standard mesh.

Type: boolean

False: Create full DFN mesh (full_mesh.inp) for flow and transport
True: Create reduced DFN mesh (reduced_mesh.inp) for quick visualization

Default: False


DFN.params['visualizationMode']['value'] = False


Description: Seed for random generator. Setting the seed equal to 0 will seed off the clock and a unique network will be produced. Setting the seed equal to a value > 0 will create the same network every time, which is useful for reproducibility.

Type: Non-negative integer

Default: 1


DFN.params['seed']['value'] = 42069


If you set seed to 0, the seed used in the generation is saved in the file DFN_output.txt created by dfnGen.


Description: Selection to retain multiple clusters that connect boundaries or only the largest cluster. The largest cluster is defined by the number of fractures in the cluster.

Type: boolean

False: Keep all clusters that connect the specified boundary faces in boundaryFaces
True: Keep only the largest cluster that connects the specified boundary faces in boundaryFaces

Default: True


DFN.params['keepOnlyLargestCluster']['value'] = False


Description: Selection to keep isolated fractures in the domain after generation is complete.

Type: boolean

False: Remove isolated fractures from the domain
True: Keep isolated in the domain.

Default: False


DFN.params['keepIsolatedFractures']['value'] = False


Isolated fractures do not contribute to flow in the DFN as they are not connected to flow boundaries. If you are running a DFN, keepIsolatedFractures should be set to False. You can keep isolated fractures in the domain for UDFM meshing.


Full DFN-meshing will fail if isolated fractures are not removed. Reduced meshing for visualization can still be performed.


Description: Selection of whether triple intersection are accepted into the network.

Type: boolean

False: Reject all triple intersections
True: Accept triple intersections that meet FRAM criteria.

Default: False


DFN.params['tripleIntersections']['value'] = True


Even if tripleIntersections = True, triple intersections can be rejected if they create a feature on the network smaller than h.


dfnTrans does not support triple intersections.


Description: All fractures with radius less than removeFracturesLessThan are removed from the network after generation is complete.

Type: Non-Negative double

Default: 0


DFN.params['removeFracturesLessThan']['value'] = 5 # Remove all fracture with radius less than 5 meters.


The lower cutoff of fracture size is defined using fracture family generation, e.g., emin for ellipses sampled from a truncated powerlaw. If this parameter is non-zero, then the network will be generated with fractures down to the lower cutoff, but only those with a radius greater than removeFracturesLessThan will be output for meshing.


Description: Select order for how user defined rectangles and user defined ellipses are inserted into the domain.

Type: boolean

False: Insert user defined ellipses first
True: Insert user defined rectangles first

Default: True


DFN.params['insertUserRectanglesFirst']['value'] = False


User defined fractures (ellipses, rectangles, and polygons) are always inserted prior to stochastic fractures.


Description: Insert the largest fracture from each family into the domain prior to sampling sequential from family based on their respective probabilities.

Type: boolean

False: Do not force the largest fractures
True: Force the largest fractures

Default: False

DFN.params['forceLargeFractures']['value'] = True


No Longer Supported. Fractures are sorted by size prior to being inserted into the domain. Larger fractures are inserted first to minimize rejections.

General Network Output Parameters


Description: Create an output file of all fracture radii, both accepted and rejected fractures.

Filename: radii_AllAccepted.dat
Format: xRadius yRadius Distribution # (-2 = userPolygon, -1 = userRectangle, 0 = userEllipse, > 0 is family in order of famProb)

Type: boolean

False: Do not create file
True: Create file

Default: False


DFN.params['outputAllRadii']['value'] = False


Description: Create one file that contains the radius of every fracture per family prior to isolated fractures removed.

Filename: radii/radii_AllAccepted_Fam_1.dat
Format: xRadius yRadius DistributionNumber (-2 = userPolygon, -1 = userRectangle, 0 = userEllipse, > 0 is family in order of famProb)

Type: boolean

False: Do not create file
True: Create file

Default: False


DFN.params['outputAcceptedRadiiPerFamily']['value'] = False


Description: Create one file that contains the radius of every fracture per family after to isolated fractures removed.

Filename: radii/radii_Final_Fam_1.dat
Format: xRadius yRadius DistributionNumber (-2 = userPolygon, -1 = userRectangle, 0 = userEllipse, > 0 is family in order of famProb)

Type: boolean

False: Do not create file
True: Create file

Default: False


DFN.params['outputFinalRadiiPerFamily']['value'] = False

Fracture Family Generation Parameters: Ellipse

This section describes generation parameters for families of disc-shaped fractures. The number of elements in each parameter matches the number of ellipse families in nFamEll. The index of the elements corresponds to the fracture family. The first element of each parameter corresponds to the first family, the second element corresponds to the second family, etc.


The parameters shown in this section are automatically written to the parameter dictionary (DFN.params) when defining fracture families. Documentation here is meant to provide additional information on the definition of each parameter in the parameter dictionary. For information on setting these parameters see pydfnGen

Ellipse: General Parameters


Description: Number of ellipse families

Type: Non-Negative Integer

Default: 0


DFN.params['nFamEll']['value'] = 3 # There will be 3 ellipse families


Description: Assign each ellipse family to a layer in domain.

Type: list of nFamEll integers


DFN.params['eLayer']['value'] = [0,2,1]
# Family 1 is assigned to the whole domain
# Family 2 is assigned to layer 2
# Family 3 is assigned to layer 1


Layer 0 is the entire domain. Numbers > 0 correspond to those defined in layers.


Families can only be assigned to either a layer or a region, not both.


Description: Assign each ellipse family to a region in domain.

Type: list of nFamEll integers


DFN.params['eRegion']['value'] = [0,2,1]
# Family 1 is assigned to the whole domain
# Family 2 is assigned to region 2
# Family 3 is assigned to region 1


Region 0 is the entire domain. Numbers > 0 correspond to those defined in regions.


Families can only be assigned to either a layer or a region, not both.


Description: Target fracture intensity per family. Fracture intensity P_{32} [\text{m}^{-1}] is defined as total surface area of each fracture family divided by the total domain volume. Fractures from each family are inserted into the domain until provided target values are obtained. Generation stops once all desired fracture intensity are obtained.

Type: list of nFamEll floats


DFN.params['e_p32Targets']['value'] = [0.02,0.4,0.05]
# Family 1 has a target p32 of 0.02
# Family 2 has a target p32 of 0.4
# Family 3 has a target p32 of 0.05


Only used when stopCondition = 1


The fracture surface area is defined using both sides of a fracture.


Description: Number of vertices defining the boundary of each elliptical fracture

Type: list of nFamEll integers


DFN.params['enumPoints']['value'] = [8,12,16]
# Fractures from family 1 are defined using 8 points
# Fractures from family 2 are defined using 12 points
# Fractures from family 3 are defined using 16 points


1. Values must be greater than 4, which corresponds to a rectangle
2. Increasing this value lead to more challenging acceptance criteria via FRAM due to smaller edge lengths between vertices on the fracture boundary
3. Suggested value: 8


Description: Aspect ratio of fractures

Type: list of nFamEll floats


DFN.params['easpect']['value'] = [1,2,0.5]
# Family 1 has an aspect ratio of 1 (circles)
# Family 2 has an aspect ratio of 2 - y radius is twice the x radius
# Family 3 has an aspect ratio of 0.5 - y radius is 1/2 the x radius


A value of 1 makes circles


As the aspect ratio increases, the shape of the ellipse can degrade accuracy unless enumPoints is also increased

Ellipse: Fracture Orientation

The fracture orientations are sampled from the three-dimensional von Mises-Fisher distribution,

f({\bf x}; {\boldsymbol \mu}, \kappa ) = \frac{ \kappa \exp( \kappa {\boldsymbol \mu}^{T} {\bf x} )}{ 4 \pi \sinh(\kappa)}~.

where {\boldsymbol \mu} is the mean orientation vector and T denotes transpose. The distribution is sampled using the algorithm provided Simulation of the von Mises Fisher distribution Communications in statistics-simulation and computation 23.1 (1994): 157-164. by Andrew Wood..

dfnGen accepts spherical coordinates (\theta/\phi), Trend/Plunge, or Dip/Strike to define the mean orientation of a fracture family.


orientationOption indicates which of these options are used. This is automatically set based on which option is used during fracture family parameter generation. The same option must be used for all families.

0 : Spherical Coordinate (Theta/Phi)
1 : Trend / Plunge
2 : Dip / Strike.


Description: The concentration parameter of the von Mises-Fisher distribution, which determines the degree of clustering around the mean orientation.

Type: list of nFamEll floats


DFN.params['ekappa']['value'] = [0.1, 20, 17]
# Fracture Family 1 has a theta value of 45 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a theta value of 78 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a theta value of 0 degrees


Values of \kappa approaching zero result in a uniform distribution of points on the sphere. Larger values create points with a small deviation from mean direction.


The numerical method for sampling the von Mises-Fisher distribution becomes unstable for values greater than 100.

Ellipse: Spherical Coordinates

The mean normal vector of the fracture family \vec{n} is related to the spherical coordinates \theta and \phi by

\vec{n}_x & = \sin(\theta) \cos(\phi)\\

\vec{n}_y & = \sin(\theta) \sin(\phi)\\

\vec{n}_z & = \cos(\theta)


Description: Angle the normal vector of the fracture makes with the z-axis

Type: list of nFamEll floats


DFN.params['etheta']['value'] = [45, 78, 0]
# Fracture Family 1 has a theta value of 45 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a theta value of 78 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a theta value of 0 degrees


Both radians and degrees are supported. Use angleOption to select one. If angleOption is set to radians angleOption = ‘radian’, and the value provided must be less than 2 \pi.


Description: Angle that the projection of the normal vector of a fracture onto the x-y plane makes with the x-axis.

Type: list of nFamEll float


DFN.params['ephi']['value'] =  [0, 56, 12]
# Fracture Family 1 has a phi value of 0 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a phi value of 56 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a phi value of 12 degrees


Both radians and degrees are supported. Use angleOption to select one. If angleOption is set to radians angleOption = ‘radian’, then the value provided must be less than 2 \pi.

Ellipse: Trend & Plunge

The mean normal vector of the fracture family \vec{n} is related to trend and plunge by

\vec{n}_x & = \cos(\text{trend}) \cos(\text{plunge})\\

\vec{n}_y & = \sin(\text{trend}) \cos(\text{plunge})\\

\vec{n}_z & = \sin(\text{trend})


Description: Trend of fracture families

Type: list of nFamEll float


DFN.params['etrend']['value'] = [0, 56, 12]
# Fracture Family 1 has a trend value of 0 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a trend value of 56 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a trend value of 12 degrees


angleOption must be set to degree (angleOption = ‘degree’) to use Trend & Plunge


Description: Plunge of fracture families

Type: list of nFamEll float


DFN.params['eplunge']['value'] = [0, 56, 12]
# Fracture Family 1 has a plunge value of 0 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a plunge value of 56 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a plunge value of 12 degrees


angleOption must be set to degree (angleOption = ‘degree’) to use Trend & Plunge

Ellipse: Dip & Strike

The mean normal vector of the fracture family \vec{n} is related to dip and strike by

\vec{n}_x & = \sin(\text{dip}) \sin(\text{strike})\\

\vec{n}_y & = -\sin(\text{dip}) \cos(\text{strike})\\

\vec{n}_z & = \cos(\text{dip})


Description: Strike of fracture families

Type: list of nFamEll float


DFN.params['estrike']['value'] = [0, 56, 12]
# Fracture Family 1 has a strike value of 0 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a strike value of 56 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a strike value of 12 degrees


angleOption must be set to degree (angleOption = ‘degree’) to use Dip & Strike


Description: Dip of fracture families

Type: list of nFamEll float


DFN.params['edip']['value'] = [0, 56, 12]
# Fracture Family 1 has a dip value of 0 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a dip value of 56 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a dip value of 12 degrees


angleOption must be set to degree (angleOption = ‘degree’) to use Dip & Strike

Ellipse: In Plane Rotation


Description: Prescribe a rotation around each fracture’s normal vector, with the fracture centered on x-y plane at the origin

Type: list of nFamEll boolean values

0: Uniform distribution on [0, 2 \pi )
1: Constant rotation specified by ebeta
DFN.params['ebetaDistribution']['value'] = [0, 1, 1]
# Fracture Family 1 will have a random rotation
# Fracture Family 2 will have a constant angle of rotation defined in the first entry of ebeta
# Fracture Family 3 will have a constant angle of rotation defined in the second entry of ebeta


Description: Values for constant angle of rotation around the normal vector

Type: list of boolean (0/1)


DFN.params['ebetaDistribution']['value'] = [45, 270] # For ebetaDistribution: [0, 1, 1]
# Fracture Family 2 will have a constant angle of rotation of 45 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 will have a constant angle of rotation of 270 degrees


1. The length of ebeta corresponds to the number of non-zero entries in ebetaDistribution
2. angleOption defines if the values are in radians or degrees

Ellipse: Fracture Radius Distributions

Fracture radii can be defined using four different distributions: (1) Log-Normal, (2) Truncated Power-law, (3) Exponential, and (4) Constant. Minimum and maximum values must be provided for 1-3 along with the distribution parameters.


Description: Assigns fracture radius distribution for each family

Type: list of nFamEll Integers (1,2,3,4)


DFN.params['edistr']['value'] = [1, 2, 4]
# Fracture Family 1 will use a LogNormal Distribution
# Fracture Family 2 will use a Truncated powerlaw distribution
# Fracture Family 3 will have a constant sized fractures


Number of elements in the parameters for each distribution must match number of families assigned to that distribution.

Ellipse: Lognormal Distribution

Fracture radii are sampled from a Lognormal distribution with the following probability density function

\frac{1}{x \sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} \exp \left (- \frac{(\ln x -\mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2} \right)

with mean \mu and variance \sigma^2.


dfnGen uses the mean and standard deviation of the underlying normal distribution that creates the lognormal distribution not the mean and variance of the lognormal distribution.

In order to produce a LogNormal distribution with a desired mean (\mu) and variance (\sigma^2) one uses

eLogMean = \ln  \left ( \frac{\mu^2}{\sqrt{\mu^2 + \sigma^2}} \right)


esd =  \sqrt{\ln \left ( 1 + \frac{ \sigma^2}{\mu^2} \right )}

For more details see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-normal_distribution.



This value is not the mean of the Log Normal distribution. Use the equations above to convert between the values if needed.

Description: Mean value of the underlying normal distribution

Type: list of float. Length is the number of elements in edistr set to 1.


DFN.params['eLogMean']['value'] = [1.609] # This value along with that in esd produce a lognormal with mean 5 m and variance of 0.1



This value is not the standard deviation of the Log Normal distribution. Use the equations above to convert between the values if needed.

Description: Standard deviation value of the underlying normal distribution

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in edistr set to 1.


DFN.params['esd']['value'] = [0.040] # This value along with that in eLogMean produce a lognormal with mean 5 m and variance of 0.1


Description: Minimum radius created by the LogNormal distribution for each family

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in edistr set to 1.


DFN.params['eLogMin']['value'] = [1,0.4]
# Lognormal family 1 has a minimum radius of 1 m
# Lognormal family 2 has a maximum radius of 0.4 m


eLogMin must be less than eLogMax within each family.


Description: Maximum radius created by the LogNormal distribution for each family

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in edistr set to 1.


DFN.params['eLogMax']['value'] = [10,12]
# Lognormal family 1 has a maximum radius of 10 m
# Lognormal family 2 has a maximum radius of 12 m


eLogMax must be greater than eLogMin within each family.

Ellipse: Truncated Powerlaw Distribution

Fracture radii are sampled from a truncated power-law distribution with lower bound r_0, upper bound r_u, and exponent \alpha defined by the following probability density function

\frac{\alpha}{r_0} \frac{(r/r_0)^{-1-\alpha}}{1 - (r_u/r_0)^{-\alpha}}.


Description: Exponent of the truncated powerlaw distribution

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in edistr set to 2.


DFN.params['ealpha']['value'] = [1.6, 2.2]
# TPL family 1 has an alpha of 1.6
# TPL family 2 has an alpha of 2.2


A value of 0 creates constant sized fractures of size emin


Description: Lower cutoff of the truncated powerlaw distribution

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in edistr set to 2.


DFN.params['emin']['value'] = [1.2, 5]
# TPL family 1 has an lower cutoff of 1.2 m
# TPL family 2 has an lower cutoff of 5 m


emin must be less than emax within each family.


Description: Upper cutoff of the truncated powerlaw distribution

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in edistr set to 2.


DFN.params['emax']['value'] = [10, 50]
# TPL family 1 has an upper cutoff of 10 m
# TPL family 2 has an upper cutoff of 50 m


emax must be greater than emin within each family.

Ellipse: Exponential Distribution

Fracture radii are sampled from a exponential distribution with the following probability density function

\lambda e^{-\lambda x}

Where \lambda is referred to as the rate parameter.


Description: Mean value of each exponential distribution

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in edistr set to 3.


DFN.params['eExpMean']['value'] = [10, 25]
# Exponential family 1 has a mean value of 10 m
# Exponential family 2 has a mean value of 25 m


eExpMean equal to 1/\lambda where \lambda is the rate parameter of the distribution.


Description: Lower cutoff of the exponential distribution families

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in edistr set to 3.


DFN.params['eExpMin']['value'] = [1, 7]
# Exponential family 1 has a lower cutoff value of 1 m
# Exponential family 2 has a lower cutoff value of 7 m


eExpMin must be less than eExpMax within each family.


Description: Upper cutoff of the exponential distribution families

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in edistr set to 3.


DFN.params['eExpMax']['value'] = [527, 89]
# Exponential family 1 has a upper cutoff value of 527 m
# Exponential family 2 has a upper cutoff value of 89 m


eExpMax must be greater than eExpMin within each family.

Ellipse: Constant

Constant sized fracture families are defined using a single parameter econst. These families are also referred to as uniform or mono-disperse.


Description: Constant radius for each family

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in edistr set to 4.


DFN.params['econst']['value'] = [1, 7]
# Constant family 1 has a x-radius of 1 m
# Constant family 2 has a x-radius of 7 m

Fracture Family Generation Parameters: Rectangle

This section describes generation parameters for families of rectangular fractures. The number of elements in each parameter matches the number of rectangle families in nFamRect. The index of the elements corresponds to the fracture family. The first element of each parameter corresponds to the first family, the second element corresponds to the second family, etc.


The parameters shown in this section are automatically written to the parameter dictionary (DFN.params) when defining fracture families. Documentation here is meant to provide additional information on the definition of each parameter in the parameter dictionary. For information on setting these parameters see pydfnGen

Rectangle: General Parameters


Description: Number of rectangle families

Type: Non-Negative Integer

Default: 0


DFN.params['nFamRect']['value'] = 3 # There will be 3 rectangle families


Description: Assign each rectangle family to a layer in domain.

Type: list of nFamRect integers


DFN.params['rLayer']['value'] = [0,2,1]
# Family 1 is assigned to the whole domain
# Family 2 is assigned to layer 2
# Family 3 is assigned to layer 1


Layer 0 is the entire domain. Numbers > 0 correspond to those defined in layers.


Families can only be assigned to either a layer or a region, not both.


Description: Assign each rectangle family to a region in domain.

Type: list of nFamRect integers


DFN.params['rRegion']['value'] = [0,2,1]
# Family 1 is assigned to the whole domain
# Family 2 is assigned to region 2
# Family 3 is assigned to region 1


Region 0 is the entire domain. Numbers > 0 correspond to those defined in regions.


Families can only be assigned to either a layer or a region, not both.


Description: Target fracture intensity per family. Fracture intensity P_{32} [\text{m}^{-1}] is defined as total surface area of each fracture family divided by the total domain volume. Fractures from each family are inserted into the domain until provided target values are obtained. Generation stops once all desired fracture intensity are obtained.

Type: list of nFamRect floats


DFN.params['r_p32Targets']['value'] = [0.02,0.4,0.05]
# Family 1 has a target p32 of 0.02
# Family 2 has a target p32 of 0.4
# Family 3 has a target p32 of 0.05


Only used when stopCondition = 1


The fracture surface area is defined using both sides of a fracture.


Description: Aspect ratio of fractures

Type: list of nFamRect floats


DFN.params['raspect']['value'] = [1,2,0.5]
# Family 1 has an aspect ratio of 1 (circles)
# Family 2 has an aspect ratio of 2 - y radius is twice the x radius
# Family 3 has an aspect ratio of 0.5 - y radius is 1/2 the x radius


A value of 1 makes squares

Rectangle: Fracture Orientation

The fracture orientations are sampled from the three-dimensional von Mises-Fisher distribution,

f({\bf x}; {\boldsymbol \mu}, \kappa ) = \frac{ \kappa \exp( \kappa {\boldsymbol \mu}^{T} {\bf x} )}{ 4 \pi \sinh(\kappa)}~.

where {\boldsymbol \mu} is the mean orientation vector and T denotes transpose. The distribution is sampled using the algorithm provided Simulation of the von Mises Fisher distribution Communications in statistics-simulation and computation 23.1 (1994): 157-164. by Andrew Wood..

dfnGen accepts spherical coordinates (\theta/\phi), Trend/Plunge, or Dip/Strike to define the mean orientation of a fracture family.


orientationOption indicates which of these options are used. This is automatically set based on which option is used during fracture family parameter generation. The same option must be used for all families.

0 : Spherical Coordinate (Theta/Phi)
1 : Trend / Plunge
2 : Dip / Strike.


Description: The concentration parameter of the von Mises-Fisher distribution, which determines the degree of clustering around the mean orientation.

Type: list of nFamRect floats


DFN.params['rkappa']['value'] = [0.1, 20, 17]
# Fracture Family 1 has a theta value of 45 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a theta value of 78 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a theta value of 0 degrees


Values of \kappa approaching zero result in a uniform distribution of points on the sphere. Larger values create points with a small deviation from mean direction.


The numerical method for sampling the von Mises-Fisher distribution becomes unstable for values greater than 100.

Rectangle: Spherical Coordinates

The mean normal vector of the fracture family \vec{n} is related to the spherical coordinates \theta and \phi by

\vec{n}_x & = \sin(\theta) \cos(\phi)\\

\vec{n}_y & = \sin(\theta) \sin(\phi)\\

\vec{n}_z & = \cos(\theta)


Description: Angle the normal vector of the fracture makes with the z-axis

Type: list of nFamRect floats


DFN.params['rtheta']['value'] = [45, 78, 0]
# Fracture Family 1 has a theta value of 45 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a theta value of 78 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a theta value of 0 degrees


Both radians and degrees are supported. Use angleOption to select one. If angleOption is set to radians angleOption = ‘radian’, and the value provided must be less than 2 \pi.


Description: Angle that the projection of the normal vector of a fracture onto the x-y plane makes with the x-axis.

Type: list of nFamRect float


DFN.params['rphi']['value'] =  [0, 56, 12]
# Fracture Family 1 has a phi value of 0 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a phi value of 56 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a phi value of 12 degrees


Both radians and degrees are supported. Use angleOption to select one. If angleOption is set to radians angleOption = ‘radian’, then the value provided must be less than 2 \pi.

Rectangle: Trend & Plunge

The mean normal vector of the fracture family \vec{n} is related to trend and plunge by

\vec{n}_x & = \cos(\text{trend}) \cos(\text{plunge})\\

\vec{n}_y & = \sin(\text{trend}) \cos(\text{plunge})\\

\vec{n}_z & = \sin(\text{trend})


Description: Trend of fracture families

Type: list of nFamRect float


DFN.params['rtrend']['value'] = [0, 56, 12]
# Fracture Family 1 has a trend value of 0 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a trend value of 56 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a trend value of 12 degrees


angleOption must be set to degree (angleOption = ‘degree’) to use Trend & Plunge


Description: Plunge of fracture families

Type: list of nFamRect float


DFN.params['rplunge']['value'] = [0, 56, 12]
# Fracture Family 1 has a plunge value of 0 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a plunge value of 56 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a plunge value of 12 degrees


angleOption must be set to degree (angleOption = ‘degree’) to use Trend & Plunge

Rectangle: Dip & Strike

The mean normal vector of the fracture family \vec{n} is related to dip and strike by

\vec{n}_x & = \sin(\text{dip}) \sin(\text{strike})\\

\vec{n}_y & = -\sin(\text{dip}) \cos(\text{strike})\\

\vec{n}_z & = \cos(\text{dip})


Description: Strike of fracture families

Type: list of nFamRect float


DFN.params['rstrike']['value'] = [0, 56, 12]
# Fracture Family 1 has a strike value of 0 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a strike value of 56 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a strike value of 12 degrees


angleOption must be set to degree (angleOption = ‘degree’) to use Dip & Strike


Description: Dip of fracture families

Type: list of nFamRect float


DFN.params['rdip']['value'] = [0, 56, 12]
# Fracture Family 1 has a dip value of 0 degrees
# Fracture Family 2 has a dip value of 56 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 has a dip value of 12 degrees


angleOption must be set to degree (angleOption = ‘degree’) to use Dip & Strike

Rectangle: In Plane Rotation


Description: Prescribe a rotation around each fracture’s normal vector, with the fracture centered on x-y plane at the origin

Type: list of nFamRect boolean values

0: Uniform distribution on [0, 2 \pi )
1: Constant rotation specified by rbeta
DFN.params['rbetaDistribution']['value'] = [0, 1, 1]
# Fracture Family 1 will have a random rotation
# Fracture Family 2 will have a constant angle of rotation defined in the first entry of ebeta
# Fracture Family 3 will have a constant angle of rotation defined in the second entry of ebeta


Description: Values for constant angle of rotation around the normal vector

Type: list of boolean (0/1)


DFN.params['rbetaDistribution']['value'] = [45, 270] # For ebetaDistribution: [0, 1, 1]
# Fracture Family 2 will have a constant angle of rotation of 45 degrees
# Fracture Family 3 will have a constant angle of rotation of 270 degrees


1. The length of rbeta corresponds to the number of non-zero entries in rbetaDistribution
2. :ref: angleOption defines if the values are in radians or degrees

Rectangle: Fracture Radius Distributions

Fracture radii can be defined using four different distributions: (1) Log-Normal, (2) Truncated Power-law, (3) Exponential, and (4) Constant. Minimum and maximum values must be provided for 1-3 along with the distribution parameters.


Description: Assigns fracture radius distribution for each family

Type: list of nFamRect Integers (1,2,3,4)


DFN.params['rdistr']['value'] = [1, 2, 4]
# Fracture Family 1 will use a LogNormal Distribution
# Fracture Family 2 will use a Truncated powerlaw distribution
# Fracture Family 3 will have a constant sized fractures


Number of elements in the parameters for each distribution must match number of families assigned to that distribution.

Rectangle: Lognormal Distribution

Fracture radii are sampled from a Lognormal distribution with the following probability density function

\frac{1}{x \sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} \exp \left (- \frac{(\ln x -\mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2} \right)

with mean \mu and variance \sigma^2.


dfnGen uses the mean and standard deviation of the underlying normal distribution that creates the lognormal distribution not the mean and variance of the lognormal distribution.

In order to produce a LogNormal distribution with a desired mean (\mu) and variance (\sigma^2) one uses

eLogMean = \ln  \left ( \frac{\mu^2}{\sqrt{\mu^2 + \sigma^2}} \right)


esd =  \sqrt{\ln \left ( 1 + \frac{ \sigma^2}{\mu^2} \right )}

For more details see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-normal_distribution.



This value is not the mean of the Log Normal distribution. Use the equations above to convert between the values if needed.

Description: Mean value of the underlying normal distribution

Type: list of float. Length is the number of elements in rdistr set to 1.


DFN.params['rLogMean']['value'] = [1.609] # This value along with that in esd produce a lognormal with mean 5 m and variance of 0.1



This value is not the standard deviation of the Log Normal distribution. Use the equations above to convert between the values if needed.

Description: Standard deviation value of the underlying normal distribution

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in rdistr set to 1.


DFN.params['rsd']['value'] = [0.040] # This value along with that in rLogMean produce a lognormal with mean 5 m and variance of 0.1


Description: Minimum radius created by the LogNormal distribution for each family

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in rdistr set to 1.


DFN.params['rLogMin']['value'] = [1,0.4]
# Lognormal family 1 has a minimum radius of 1 m
# Lognormal family 2 has a maximum radius of 0.4 m


rLogMin must be less than rLogMax within each family.


Description: Maximum radius created by the LogNormal distribution for each family

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in rdistr set to 1.


DFN.params['rLogMax']['value'] = [10,12]
# Lognormal family 1 has a maximum radius of 10 m
# Lognormal family 2 has a maximum radius of 12 m


rLogMax must be greater than rLogMin within each family.

Rectangle: Truncated Powerlaw Distribution

Fracture radii are sampled from a truncated power-law distribution with lower bound r_0, upper bound r_u, and exponent \alpha defined by the following probability density function

\frac{\alpha}{r_0} \frac{(r/r_0)^{-1-\alpha}}{1 - (r_u/r_0)^{-\alpha}}.


Description: Exponent of the truncated powerlaw distribution

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in rdistr set to 2.


DFN.params['ralpha']['value'] = [1.6, 2.2]
# TPL family 1 has an alpha of 1.6
# TPL family 2 has an alpha of 2.2


A value of 0 creates constant sized fractures of size rmin


Description: Lower cutoff of the truncated powerlaw distribution

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in rdistr set to 2.


DFN.params['rmin']['value'] = [1.2, 5]
# TPL family 1 has an lower cutoff of 1.2 m
# TPL family 2 has an lower cutoff of 5 m


rmin must be less than rmax within each family.


Description: Upper cutoff of the truncated powerlaw distribution

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in rdistr set to 2.


DFN.params['rmax']['value'] = [10, 50]
# TPL family 1 has an upper cutoff of 10 m
# TPL family 2 has an upper cutoff of 50 m


rmax must be greater than rmin within each family.

Rectangle: Exponential Distribution

Fracture radii are sampled from a exponential distribution with the following probability density function

\lambda e^{-\lambda x}

Where \lambda is referred to as the rate parameter.


Description: Mean value of each exponential distribution

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in rdistr set to 3.


DFN.params['rExpMean']['value'] = [10, 25]
# Exponential family 1 has a mean value of 10 m
# Exponential family 2 has a mean value of 25 m


rExpMean equal to 1/\lambda where \lambda is the rate parameter of the distribution.


Description: Lower cutoff of the exponential distribution families

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in rdistr set to 3.


DFN.params['rExpMin']['value'] = [1, 7]
# Exponential family 1 has a lower cutoff value of 1 m
# Exponential family 2 has a lower cutoff value of 7 m


rExpMin must be less than rExpMax within each family.


Description: Upper cutoff of the exponential distribution families

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in rdistr set to 3.


DFN.params['rExpMax']['value'] = [527, 89]
# Exponential family 1 has a upper cutoff value of 527 m
# Exponential family 2 has a upper cutoff value of 89 m


rExpMax must be greater than rExpMin within each family.

Rectangle: Constant

Constant sized fracture families are defined using a single parameter rconst. These families are also referred to as uniform or mono-disperse.


Description: Constant radius for each family

Type: list of Positive floats. Length is the number of elements in rdistr set to 4.


DFN.params['rconst']['value'] = [1, 7]
# Constant family 1 has a x-radius of 1 m
# Constant family 2 has a x-radius of 7 m

User Defined Fracture Generation Parameters

User defined deterministic features can be included into dfnWorks in a number of ways. There are two format options for ellipses and rectangles. One can also put in a selection of convex n vertex polygons.


To incoperate user fractures into the domain see functions add_user_fract and add_user_fract_from_file in pydfnGen. Information in this section provides additional information about parameters as well as information for adding user fractures from a predefined file.

User Defined Ellipses

Ellipses can be included using two different formats: general or coordinates.


Description: Selection if general user defined ellipses are going to be used. If this option is activated, then the file UserEll_Input_File_Path is read. The path to that file must be valid.

Type: boolean (0/1)

0: Do not include general user defined ellipses
1: Do include general user defined ellipses


Description: Filepath for general user defined ellipses.

Type: string


DFN.params['UserEll_Input_Filepath']['value'] = '/dfnWorks/examples/4_user_ell_uniform/define_4_user_ellipses.dat'

General user defined ellipses parameters

Below are the required parameters for the general user defined ellipses


Description: Number of User Defined Ellipses

Type: Int


nUserEll: 2 // 2 ellipses are expected in the file


Description: Number of vertices defining the boundary of each ellipse. One per line per fracture.

Type: Int


12 // fracture 1 has 12 vertices
8 // fracture 2 has 8 vertices


Description: Radius of each ellipse

Type: Double, one value per line per fracture


0.5 // fracture 1 has a radius of 0.5 m
1 // fracture 1 has a radius of 1 m


Description: Aspect Ratio for each ellipse

Type: Double, one value per line per fracture


1 // fracture 1 has a radius of 1
2 // fracture 2 has a radius of 2

AngleOption (User Defined Fracture)

Description: Selection of Radius / Degrees

Type: boolean

0: All angles in radians
1: All angles in degrees


0 // fracture 1 has angles in radians
1 // fracture 2 has angles in degrees


Description: Rotation around center for each ellipse (one per line)

Type: Double, one value per line per fracture


0 // no rotation for fracture 1
45 // rotate fracture 2 by 45 degrees


Description: Translation of each ellipse according to its center {x,y,z} (one per line)

Type: Set of double values {x,y,z}


{-0.2,0,0} // Fracture 1 has a center at -0.2, 0, 0
{0,1,0} // Fracture 2 has a center at 0, 1, 0


Description: Selection of fracture orientation definition. The same orientation option must be used for all fractures.

0 : Normal Vector -> Normal {x,y,z}
1 : Trend / Plunge
2 : Dip / Strike

Type: Value of 0,1,2


userOrientationOption: 0 // Fracture orientation will be defined using normal vectors


If option 0 is selected, the keyword normal is required.
If option 1 is selected, the keyword Trend_Plunge is required.
If option 2 is selected, the keyword Dip_Strike is required.


You cannot mix orientation options


Description: Normal vector of each ellipse according {x,y,z} (one per line)

Type: Set of double values {x,y,z}


{0,0,1} // Fracture 1 has a normal vector of [0,0,1]
{1,1,0} // Fracture 1 has a normal vector of [1,1,0]


Vectors do not need to be normalized


Description: Trend and plunge for each fracture

Type: Set of double values {trend,plunge}


{45, 90} // Fracture 1 has a trend of 45 and plunge of 90
{0, 37} // Fracture 2 has a trend of 0 and plunge of 37


AngleOption (User Defined Fracture) must be set to degrees


Description: Dip and Strike for each fracture

Type: Set of double values {dip,strike}


{45, 90} // Fracture 1 has a dip of 45 and strike of 90
{0, 37} // Fracture 2 has a dip of 0 and strike of 37


AngleOption (User Defined Fracture) must be set to degrees

General Ellipse Input Example
/************************* USER DEFINED ELLIPSES ***************************/

//Number of User Defined Ellipses
nUserEll: 4

//Radius for each ellipse (one per line)

//Aspect Ratio for each ellipse (one per line)

//Angle Option: 0 - All angles in radians
//              1 - All angles in degrees

//Rotation around center for each ellipse (one per line)

//Translation of each ellipse according to its center {x,y,z} (one per line)

//  userOrientationOption:
//  0 - Normal Vector -> Normal {x,y,z}
//  1 - Trend / Plunge -> Trend_Plunge {trend, plunge} -> Must be degrees
//  2 - Dip / Strike - > Dip_Strike {dip, strike} -> Must be degrees

userOrientationOption: 0

//Normal Vector for each ellipse (one per line)



Description: Selection if user defined ellipses by coordinate are going to be used. If this option is activated, then the file EllByCoord_Input_File_Path is read. The path to that file must be valid.

Type: boolean (0/1)

0: Do not include user defined ellipses by coordinate
1: Include user defined ellipses by coordinate


The same number of vertices must be used for all fractures.


Description: File path name for user defined ellipses by coordinate

Type: string


DFN.params['EllByCoord_Input_File_Path']['value'] = '/dfnWorks/example/4_user_ell/ellCoords.dat'

User defined ellipses by coordinate parameters

Below are the required parameters for the user defined ellipses by coordinate


Description: Number of User Defined Ellipses

Type: Integer


nEllipses: 2


Description: Number of nodes for all ellipses

Type: Integer

nNodes: 5


Description: Coordinates / Vertices for each ellipse.

Type: Set of nNodes triples {x_0, y_0, z_0} {x_1, y_1, z_1} \ldots {x_n, y_n, z_n}

{-2,-1,0} {1,-2,0} {2,0,0} {0,2,0} {-2,1,0}
{0,-0.3,-1} {0,.5,-.7} {0,.7,1} {0,-.7,1} {0,-1,0}


Coordinates must be listed in clockwise, or counterclockwise order. Coordinates must be co-planar

Ellipse By Coordinate Example
/*                 ELLIPSES SPECIFIED BY COORDINATES                  */
// NOTE: Coordinates must be listed in clockwise, or counterclockwise order
//       Coordinates must be co-planar

// Number of Ellipses Defined

nEllipses: 2

// Number of nodes for all ellipses

nNodes: 5

// Coordinates (4 vertice coordinates per line/One rectangle per line)
// One Ellipse per line (White space and new lines should not matter)
// Format: {x1,y1,z1} {x2,y2,z2} {x3,y3,z3} {x4,y4,z4} ... {xn, yn, zn}


{-2,-1,0} {1,-2,0} {2,0,0} {0,2,0} {-2,1,0}
{0,-0.3,-1} {0,.5,-.7} {0,.7,1} {0,-.7,1} {0,-1,0}

User Defined Rectangles

Deterministic Rectangles can be included using two different formats: general or coordinates.


Description: Selection if general user defined rectangles are going to be used. If this option is activated, then the file UserRect_Input_File_Path is read. The path to that file must be valid.

Type: boolean (0/1)

0: Do not include general user defined rectangles
1: Do include general user defined rectangles


Description: Filepath for general user defined rectangles

Type: string


DFN.params['UserRect_Input_File_Path']['value'] = '/dfnWorks/examples/4_user_rects/define_4_user_rects.dat'

General user defined rectangles parameters

Below are the required parameters for the general user defined rectangles


Description: Number of user defined rectangles

Type: Int


nUserRect: 2 // There will be 2 rectangles expected.

Additional parameters have the same definitions as for user defined ellipses:

General Rectangle Input Example
/************************* USER DEFINED rectangles ***************************/

//Number of User Defined rectangles
nUserRect: 4

//Radius for each rectangle (one per line)

//Aspect Ratio for each rectangle (one per line)

//Angle Option: 0 - All angles in radians
//              1 - All angles in degrees

//Rotation around center for each rectangle (one per line)

//Translation of each rectangle according to its center {x,y,z} (one per line)

//  userOrientationOption:
//  0 - Normal Vector -> Normal {x,y,z}
//  1 - Trend / Plunge -> Trend_Plunge {trend, plunge} -> Must be degrees
//  2 - Dip / Strike - > Dip_Strike {dip, strike} -> Must be degrees

userOrientationOption: 0

//Normal Vector for each rectangle (one per line)


Description: Selection if user defined rectangles by coordinate are going to be used. If this option is activated, then the file RectByCoord_Input_File_Path is read. The path to that file must be valid.

Type: boolean (0/1)

0: Do not include user defined rectangles by coordinate
1: include user defined rectangles by coordinate


The same number of vertices must be used for all fractures.


Description: File path name for user defined rectangles by coordinate

Type: string


DFN.params['RectByCoord_Input_File_Path']['value'] = '/dfnWorks/example/4_user_rect/rectCoords.dat'

User defined rectangles by coordinate parameters

Below are the required parameters for the user defined rectangles by coordinate


Description: Number of user defined rectangles

Type: Integer


nRectangles: 2

Fracture coordinates are defined using the same method as for ellipses. See Coordinates.

Rectangle By Coordinate Example
/*                 rectangles SPECIFIED BY COORDINATES                  */
// NOTE: Coordinates must be listed in clockwise, or counterclockwise order
//       Coordinates must be co-planar

// Number of rectangles Defined

nRectangles: 2

// Coordinates (4 vertices coordinates per line/One rectangle per line)
// One rectangle per line (White space and new lines should not matter)
// Format: {x1,y1,z1} {x2,y2,z2} {x3,y3,z3} {x4,y4,z4} ... {xn, yn, zn}


{-2,-1,0} {1,-2,0} {2,0,0} {0,2,0} {-2,1,0}
{0,-0.3,-1} {0,.5,-.7} {0,.7,1} {0,-.7,1} {0,-1,0}


An example DFN for this input is found in dfnWorks-main/examples/user_polygons.


Description: Selection if user defined polygons are going to be used. If this option is activated, then the file :refPolygonByCoord_Input_File_Path is read. The path to that file must be valid.

Type: boolean (0/1)

0: Do not include user defined polygons
1: Do include user defined polygons


Each polygon can have a different number of vertices.
dfnGen automatically outputs the file polygons.dat which can be read back in using this option to create the same DFN.


Description: File path for user defined polygons

Type: string


DFN.params['UserEll_Input_File_Path']['value'] = '/dfnWorks/examples/user_polygons/polygons.dat'

Polygon file format

The first line is a keyword nPolygons, the number of fractures in the file. Then each line after nPolygons is a different fracture. The first entry is an integer with the number of vertices in that fracture. The remaining entries are the vertex coordinates. The coordinate format is {x1,y1,z1} {x2,y2,z2} {x3,y3,z3} {x4,y4,z4} … {xn, yn, zn}

General Example:

nPolygons: 1
4 {x1,y1,z1} {x2,y2,z2} {x3,y3,z3} {x4,y4,z4} // fracture 1 has 4 vertices with these coordinates

Example generated by dfnGen:

nPolygons: 13
5 {0.614809755508, -5, 10} {0.215302589745, -5, 5.14052566974} {0.545132019741, -3.76296408041, 5.01135305297} {1.46205561432, -1.11169723114, 7.28911258873} {1.7422671348, -0.903335314403, 10}
5 {-5, 5, -7.34275683413} {-5, -3.19676496723, -8.52840001844} {-2.54841054822, -3.3215018603, -8.70265907788} {2.28455866847, 0.968743065242, -8.39004354883} {2.5300049043, 5, -7.82257143457}
7 {0.169537908304, -1.10365780918, 7.89449659536} {3.39229757501, -1.47097810869, 9.7368040684} {5, -0.396173810104, 9.9199696155} {5, 5, 6.76351044547} {0.192549006049, 5, 4.33581920939} {-0.157462422292, 4.76600532497, 4.29594241204} {-1.30082072643, 1.47978607543, 5.64081751301}
6 {-0.793278268371, 5, 1.81778296407} {-0.561983329033, 3.45819042638, 3.44636375172} {1.4541413343, -3.51825209439, 3.66719739398} {2.0912558548, -5, 2.1739128129} {3.74246641127, -5, -10} {0.809628560699, 5, -10}
8 {-3.56729801834, -4.10664963232, -7.17895163585} {-2.75834169562, -5, -7.23742727251} {2.80010131269, -5, -7.26666449977} {3.40228077595, -4.45665913893, -7.23685468994} {3.54844410108, -1.5749811435, -7.06272440502} {1.61045433532, 0.565188057474, -6.92263630123} {-1.27643915621, 0.710166484812, -6.89865208954} {-3.42113429321, -1.22497133918, -7.00482133497}
6 {1.61970921408, 0.322281059007, 8.27249031626} {1.91468659533, -0.549550927249, 10} {2.19700291895, -5, 10} {1.3154355331, -5, 3.64584005023} {1.20544838483, -3.98437001886, 3.31745142962} {1.22589362057, -0.804792681255, 4.91861492809}
8 {-4.70593999999, -3.29639431251, -7.25224389054} {-3.10094407568, -4.6562865987, -7.03245087974} {-0.992518232701, -4.50612429324, -7.10741842947} {0.384249987443, -2.93387033715, -7.43323157864} {0.222868762162, -0.860529584164, -7.81903344627} {-1.38212753352, 0.499362646346, -8.03882643837} {-3.4905528176, 0.349200223043, -7.9638588789} {-4.8673209588, -1.22305329999, -7.63804581282}
6 {5, 5, -3.39564264412} {2.56312416852, 5, -4.08462835745} {2.41898893677, 4.65124788861, -4.11909954775} {3.10520773081, 2.8645938936, -3.89290711889} {4.80872562941, 2.11160312936, -3.39770554375} {5, 2.19173173493, -3.34506895229}
6 {-5, 2.42895858094, 6.20485792137} {-5, -5, 4.85177752427} {-1.81351205493, -5, 4.99702019362} {0.0853427250495, -2.66597219167, 5.50868187563} {-0.289753327606, 0.588931258258, 6.08441961571} {-2.88990150472, 2.64805531643, 6.34094328974}
8 {-0.922507014307, -1.71519798881, 2.85778630995} {-0.841071899053, 0.310044679731, 1.25820816606} {-1.26426496474, 2.84566856205, 1.49988903618} {-1.94418542615, 4.40633923745, 3.44125563949} {-2.48254521057, 4.07783735953, 5.94508200102} {-2.5639802392, 2.05259419185, 7.54466008318} {-2.14078724661, -0.483028953749, 7.30297907019} {-1.4608669326, -2.04369954706, 5.36161304612}
8 {2.18143095055, -0.610312831185, -4.21771261931} {2.80909183961, 0.814183043594, -4.47247873318} {2.26469088948, 2.29432736239, -4.44327042469} {0.867130728085, 2.96307141873, -4.14719749191} {-0.564917036364, 2.42867426252, -3.75769541671} {-1.19257780773, 1.00417817281, -3.50292931657} {-0.648176891617, -0.475965761662, -3.53213764385} {0.74938298608, -1.14470985076, -3.82821050463}
6 {-1.27165416308, 5, 10} {-1.97370232204, 1.13046740212, 10} {-2.01807341608, 0.962283071202, 9.35725325459} {-1.83562647916, 2.23286105726, 7.12746635144} {-1.40616097581, 4.67958113114, 6.45759785589} {-1.34398137987, 5, 6.64526675756}


Description: Number of polgyons/fractures

Type: integer


nPolygons: 3 // Read in three polygons/fractures

Source Code Documentation (Doxygen)