Source code for pydfnworks.dfnFlow.pflotran

Functions for using pflotran in dfnworks
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import glob
import shutil
import ntpath
from time import time
import numpy as np

[docs]def lagrit2pflotran(self, inp_file='', mesh_type='', hex2tet=False): """ Takes output from LaGriT and processes it for use in PFLOTRAN. Calls the functuon write_perms_and_correct_volumes_areas() and zone2ex Parameters -------------- self : object DFN Class inp_file : str Name of the inp (AVS) file produced by LaGriT mesh_type : str The type of mesh hex2tet : bool True if hex mesh elements should be converted to tet elements, False otherwise. Returns -------- None Notes -------- None """ if self.flow_solver != "PFLOTRAN": error = "ERROR! Wrong flow solver requested\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) print('=' * 80) print("Starting conversion of files for PFLOTRAN ") print('=' * 80) if inp_file: self.inp_file = inp_file else: inp_file = self.inp_file if inp_file == '': error = 'ERROR: Please provide inp filename!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if mesh_type: if mesh_type in mesh_types_allowed: self.mesh_type = mesh_type else: error = 'ERROR: Unknown mesh type. Select one of dfn, volume or mixed!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) else: mesh_type = self.mesh_type if mesh_type == '': error = 'ERROR: Please provide mesh type!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) # Check if UGE file was created by LaGriT, if it does not exists, exit self.uge_file = inp_file[:-4] + '.uge' if not os.path.isfile(self.uge_file): error = 'ERROR!!! Cannot find .uge file\nExiting\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if mesh_type == 'dfn': self.write_perms_and_correct_volumes_areas( ) # Make sure perm and aper files are specified # Convert zone files to ex format #self.zone2ex(zone_file='',face='south') #self.zone2ex(zone_file='',face='north') #self.zone2ex(zone_file='',face='west') #self.zone2ex(zone_file='',face='east') #self.zone2ex(zone_file='',face='top') #self.zone2ex(zone_file='',face='bottom') self.zone2ex(zone_file='all') print('=' * 80) print("Conversion of files for PFLOTRAN complete") print('=' * 80) print("\n\n")
[docs]def zone2ex(self, uge_file='', zone_file='', face='', boundary_cell_area=1.e-1): """ Convert zone files from LaGriT into ex format for LaGriT Parameters ----------- self : object DFN Class uge_file : string Name of uge file zone_file : string Name of zone file Face : Face of the plane corresponding to the zone file zone_file : string Name of zone file to work on. Can be 'all' processes all directions, top, bottom, left, right, front, back boundary_cell_area : double should be a large value relative to the mesh size to force pressure boundary conditions. Returns ---------- None Notes ---------- the boundary_cell_area should be a function of h, the mesh resolution """ print('--> Converting zone files to ex') if self.uge_file: uge_file = self.uge_file else: self.uge_file = uge_file uge_file = self.uge_file if uge_file == '': error = 'ERROR: Please provide uge filename!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) # Opening uge file print('\n--> Opening uge file') fuge = open(uge_file, 'r') # Reading cell ids, cells centers and cell volumes line = fuge.readline() line = line.split() NumCells = int(line[1]) Cell_id = np.zeros(NumCells, 'int') Cell_coord = np.zeros((NumCells, 3), 'float') Cell_vol = np.zeros(NumCells, 'float') for cells in range(NumCells): line = fuge.readline() line = line.split() Cell_id[cells] = int(line.pop(0)) line = [float(id) for id in line] Cell_vol[cells] = line.pop(3) Cell_coord[cells] = line fuge.close() print('--> Finished with uge file\n') # loop through zone files if zone_file == 'all': zone_files = ['', '', '', \ '', '', ''] face_names = ['north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'top', 'bottom'] else: if zone_file == '': error = 'ERROR: Please provide boundary zone filename!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if face == '': error = 'ERROR: Please provide face name among: top, bottom, north, south, east, west !\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) zone_files = [zone_file] face_names = [face] for iface, zone_file in enumerate(zone_files): face = face_names[iface] # Ex filename ex_file = zone_file.strip('zone') + 'ex' # Opening the input file print('--> Opening zone file: ', zone_file) fzone = open(zone_file, 'r') fzone.readline() fzone.readline() fzone.readline() # Read number of boundary nodes print('--> Calculating number of nodes') num_nodes = int(fzone.readline()) Node_array = np.zeros(num_nodes, 'int') # Read the boundary node ids print('--> Reading boundary node ids') if (num_nodes < 10): g = fzone.readline() node_array = g.split() # Convert string to integer array node_array = [int(id) for id in node_array] Node_array = np.asarray(node_array) else: for i in range(int(num_nodes / 10 + (num_nodes % 10 != 0))): g = fzone.readline() node_array = g.split() # Convert string to integer array node_array = [int(id) for id in node_array] if (num_nodes - 10 * i < 10): for j in range(num_nodes % 10): Node_array[i * 10 + j] = node_array[j] else: for j in range(10): Node_array[i * 10 + j] = node_array[j] fzone.close() print('--> Finished with zone file') if self.h == "": from pydfnworks.dfnGen.meshing.mesh_dfn_helper import parse_params_file _, self.h, _, _, _ = parse_params_file(quiet=True) Boundary_cell_area = np.zeros(num_nodes, 'float') for i in range(num_nodes): Boundary_cell_area[ i] = boundary_cell_area # Fix the area to a large number print('--> Finished calculating boundary connections') boundary_cell_coord = [ Cell_coord[Cell_id[i - 1] - 1] for i in Node_array ] epsilon = self.h * 10**-3 if (face == 'top'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0], cell[1], cell[2] + epsilon] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'bottom'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0], cell[1], cell[2] - epsilon] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'north'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0], cell[1] + epsilon, cell[2]] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'south'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0], cell[1] - epsilon, cell[2]] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'east'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0] + epsilon, cell[1], cell[2]] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'west'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0] - epsilon, cell[1], cell[2]] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'well'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0], cell[1], cell[2] + epsilon] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'none'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0], cell[1], cell[2]] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] else: error = 'ERROR: unknown face. Select one of: top, bottom, east, west, north, south.\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) with open(ex_file, 'w') as f: f.write('CONNECTIONS\t%i\n' % Node_array.size) for idx, cell in enumerate(boundary_cell_coord): f.write('%i\t%.6e\t%.6e\t%.6e\t%.6e\n' % (Node_array[idx], cell[0], cell[1], cell[2], Boundary_cell_area[idx])) print('--> Finished writing ex file "' + ex_file + '" corresponding to the zone file: ' + zone_file + '\n') print('--> Converting zone files to ex complete')
[docs]def write_perms_and_correct_volumes_areas(self): """ Write permeability values to perm_file, write aperture values to aper_file, and correct volume areas in uge_file Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class Returns --------- None Notes ---------- Calls executable correct_uge """ import h5py if self.flow_solver != "PFLOTRAN": error = "ERROR! Wrong flow solver requested\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) print("--> Writing Perms and Correct Volume Areas") inp_file = self.inp_file if inp_file == '': error = 'ERROR: inp file must be specified!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) uge_file = self.uge_file if uge_file == '': error = 'ERROR: uge file must be specified!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) perm_file = self.perm_file if perm_file == '' and self.perm_cell_file == '': error = 'ERROR: perm file must be specified!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) aper_file = self.aper_file aper_cell_file = self.aper_cell_file if aper_file == '' and self.aper_cell_file == '': error = 'ERROR: aperture file must be specified!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) mat_file = 'materialid.dat' t = time() # Make input file for C UGE converter f = open("convert_uge_params.txt", "w") f.write("%s\n" % inp_file) f.write("%s\n" % mat_file) f.write("%s\n" % uge_file) f.write("%s" % (uge_file[:-4] + '_vol_area.uge\n')) if self.aper_cell_file: f.write("%s\n" % self.aper_cell_file) f.write("1\n") else: f.write("%s\n" % self.aper_file) f.write("-1\n") f.close() cmd = os.environ['CORRECT_UGE_EXE'] + ' convert_uge_params.txt' failure =, shell=True) if failure > 0: error = 'ERROR: UGE conversion failed\nExiting Program\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) elapsed = time() - t print('--> Time elapsed for UGE file conversion: %0.3f seconds\n' % elapsed) # need number of nodes and mat ID file print('--> Writing HDF5 File') materialid = np.genfromtxt(mat_file, skip_header=3).astype(int) materialid = -1 * materialid - 6 NumIntNodes = len(materialid) if perm_file: filename = 'dfn_properties.h5' h5file = h5py.File(filename, mode='w') print('--> Beginning writing to HDF5 file') print('--> Allocating cell index array') iarray = np.zeros(NumIntNodes, '=i4') print('--> Writing cell indices') # add cell ids to file for i in range(NumIntNodes): iarray[i] = i + 1 dataset_name = 'Cell Ids' h5dset = h5file.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=iarray) print('--> Allocating permeability array') perm = np.zeros(NumIntNodes, '=f8') print('--> reading permeability data') print('--> Note: this script assumes isotropic permeability') perm_list = np.genfromtxt(perm_file, skip_header=1) perm_list = np.delete(perm_list, np.s_[1:5], 1) matid_index = -1 * materialid - 7 for i in range(NumIntNodes): j = matid_index[i] if int(perm_list[j, 0]) == materialid[i]: perm[i] = perm_list[j, 1] else: error = 'Indexing Error in Perm File\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) dataset_name = 'Permeability' h5dset = h5file.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=perm) h5file.close() print("--> Done writing permeability to h5 file") del perm_list if self.perm_cell_file: filename = 'dfn_properties.h5' h5file = h5py.File(filename, mode='w') print('--> Beginning writing to HDF5 file') print('--> Allocating cell index array') iarray = np.zeros(NumIntNodes, '=i4') print('--> Writing cell indices') # add cell ids to file for i in range(NumIntNodes): iarray[i] = i + 1 dataset_name = 'Cell Ids' h5dset = h5file.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=iarray) print('--> Allocating permeability array') perm = np.zeros(NumIntNodes, '=f8') print('--> reading permeability data') print('--> Note: this script assumes isotropic permeability') f = open(self.perm_cell_file, 'r') f.readline() perm_list = [] while True: h = f.readline() h = h.split() if h == []: break h.pop(0) perm_list.append(h) perm_list = [float(perm[0]) for perm in perm_list] dataset_name = 'Permeability' h5dset = h5file.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=perm_list) f.close() h5file.close() print('--> Done writing permeability to h5 file')
[docs]def pflotran(self, transient=False, restart=False, restart_file=''): """ Run PFLOTRAN. Copy PFLOTRAN run file into working directory and run with ncpus Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class transient : bool Boolean if PFLOTRAN is running in transient mode restart : bool Boolean if PFLOTRAN is restarting from checkpoint restart_file : string Filename of restart file Returns ---------- None Notes ---------- Runs PFLOTRAN Executable, see for details on PFLOTRAN input cards """ if self.flow_solver != "PFLOTRAN": error = "ERROR! Wrong flow solver requested\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) try: shutil.copy(os.path.abspath(self.dfnFlow_file), os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) except: error = "--> ERROR!! Unable to copy PFLOTRAN input file\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) print("=" * 80) print("--> Running PFLOTRAN") cmd = os.environ['PETSC_DIR']+'/'+os.environ['PETSC_ARCH']+'/bin/mpirun -np ' + str(self.ncpu) + \ ' ' + os.environ['PFLOTRAN_EXE'] + ' -pflotranin ' + self.local_dfnFlow_file print("Running: %s" % cmd), shell=True) if not transient: if not check_pflotran_convergence(self.local_dfnFlow_file): error = "ERROR!!!! PFLOTRAN did not converge. Consider running in transient mode to march to steady-state\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if restart: try: shutil.copy(os.path.abspath(restart_file), os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) except: error = "--> ERROR!! Unable to copy PFLOTRAN restart input file\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) print("=" * 80) print("--> Running PFLOTRAN") cmd = os.environ['PETSC_DIR']+'/'+os.environ['PETSC_ARCH']+'/bin/mpirun -np ' + str(self.ncpu) + \ ' ' + os.environ['PFLOTRAN_EXE'] + ' -pflotranin ' + ntpath.basename(restart_file) print("Running: %s" % cmd), shell=True) print('=' * 80) print("--> Running PFLOTRAN Complete") print('=' * 80) print("\n")
def check_pflotran_convergence(pflotran_input_file): """ checks pflotran_input_file.out for convergence Parameters ---------- pflotran_input_file : string pflotran_input_file Returns ---------- bool True if solver converged / False if not Notes ---------- """ # check if PFLOTRAN ran in steady-state mode steady = False with open(pflotran_input_file, "r") as fp: for line in fp.readlines(): if "STEADY_STATE" in line: steady = True if steady: pflotran_output_file = pflotran_input_file[:-2] + "out" print("\n--> Opening %s to check for convergence" % pflotran_output_file) with open(pflotran_output_file, "r") as fp: for line in fp.readlines(): if "STEADY-SOLVE 1 snes_conv_reason:" in line: print("--> PFLOTRAN converged") print(line + "\n") return True return False else: print( "PFLOTRAN ran in transient mode, unable to check for steady-state convergence" ) return True
[docs]def pflotran_cleanup(self, index_start=0, index_finish=1, filename=''): """pflotran_cleanup Concatenate PFLOTRAN output files and then delete them Parameters ----------- self : object DFN Class index : int If PFLOTRAN has multiple dumps use this to pick which dump is put into cellinfo.dat and darcyvel.dat Returns ---------- None Notes ---------- Can be run in a loop over all pflotran dumps """ if self.flow_solver != "PFLOTRAN": error = "ERROR! Wrong flow solver requested\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if filename == '': filename = self.local_dfnFlow_file[:-3] else: filename = ntpath.basename(filename[:-3]) print('--> Processing PFLOTRAN output') for index in range(index_start, index_finish + 1): cmd = 'cat ' + filename + '-cellinfo-%03d-rank*.dat > cellinfo_%03d.dat' % ( index, index) print("Running >> %s" % cmd), shell=True) cmd = 'cat ' + filename + '-darcyvel-%03d-rank*.dat > darcyvel_%03d.dat' % ( index, index) print("Running >> %s" % cmd), shell=True) #for fl in glob.glob(self.local_dfnFlow_file[:-3]+'-cellinfo-000-rank*.dat'): # os.remove(fl) #for fl in glob.glob(self.local_dfnFlow_file[:-3]+'-darcyvel-000-rank*.dat'): # os.remove(fl) for fl in glob.glob(filename + '-cellinfo-%03d-rank*.dat' % index): os.remove(fl) for fl in glob.glob(filename + '-darcyvel-%03d-rank*.dat' % index): os.remove(fl) try: os.symlink("darcyvel_%03d.dat" % index_finish, "darcyvel.dat") except: print("--> WARNING!!! Unable to create symlink for darcyvel.dat") try: os.symlink("cellinfo_%03d.dat" % index_finish, "cellinfo.dat") except: print("--> WARNING!!! Unable to create symlink for cellinfo.dat")
[docs]def parse_pflotran_vtk_python(self, grid_vtk_file=''): """ Adds CELL_DATA to POINT_DATA in the VTK output from PFLOTRAN. Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class grid_vtk_file : string Name of vtk file with mesh. Typically local_dfnFlow_file.vtk Returns -------- None Notes -------- If DFN class does not have a vtk file, inp2vtk_python is called """ print('--> Parsing PFLOTRAN output with Python') if self.flow_solver != "PFLOTRAN": error = "ERROR! Wrong flow solver requested\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if grid_vtk_file: self.vtk_file = grid_vtk_file else: from pydfnworks.dfnGen.meshing.mesh_dfn_helper import inp2vtk_python self.inp2vtk_python() grid_file = self.vtk_file files = glob.glob('*-[0-9][0-9][0-9].vtk') files.sort() with open(grid_file, 'r') as f: grid = f.readlines()[3:] out_dir = 'parsed_vtk' for line in grid: if 'POINTS' in line: num_cells = line.strip(' ').split()[1] for file in files: print(f"--> Processing file: {file}") with open(file, 'r') as f: pflotran_out = f.readlines()[4:] pflotran_out = [ w.replace('CELL_DATA', 'POINT_DATA ') for w in pflotran_out ] header = [ '# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n', 'PFLOTRAN output\n', 'ASCII\n' ] filename = out_dir + '/' + file if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) with open(filename, 'w') as f: for line in header: f.write(line) for line in grid: f.write(line) f.write('\n') f.write('\n') if 'vel' in file: f.write('POINT_DATA\t ' + num_cells + '\n') for line in pflotran_out: f.write(line) os.remove(file) print('--> Parsing PFLOTRAN output complete')