Source code for pydfnworks.dfnGen.generation.generator

import os
import sys
import shutil
from time import time
import subprocess
from pydfnworks.dfnGen.meshing.mesh_dfn_helper import parse_params_file

[docs]def dfn_gen(self, output=True, visual_mode=None): ''' Wrapper script the runs the dfnGen workflow: 1) make_working_directory: Create a directory with name of job 2) check_input: Check input parameters and create a clean version of the input file 3) create_network: Create network. DFNGEN v2.0 is called and creates the network 4) output_report: Generate a PDF summary of the DFN generation 5) mesh_network: calls module dfnGen_meshing and runs LaGriT to mesh the DFN Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class object output : bool If True, output pdf will be created. If False, no pdf is made visual_mode : None If the user wants to run in a different meshing mode from what is in params.txt, set visual_mode = True/False on command line to override meshing mode Returns ------- None Notes ----- Details of each portion of the routine are in those sections ''' tic_gen = time() # Create Working directory tic = time() self.make_working_directory() self.dump_time('Function: make_working_directory', time() - tic) # Check input file tic = time() self.check_input() self.dump_time('Function: check_input', time() - tic) # Create network tic = time() self.create_network() self.dump_time('Function: create_network', time() - tic) if output: tic = time() self.output_report() self.dump_time('output_report', time() - tic) # Mesh Network tic = time() self.mesh_network(visual_mode=visual_mode) self.dump_time('Function: mesh_network', time() - tic) print('=' * 80) print('dfnGen Complete') print('=' * 80) self.dump_time('Process: dfnGen', time() - tic_gen)
[docs]def make_working_directory(self, delete=False): ''' Make working directory for dfnWorks Simulation Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class object Returns ------- None Notes ----- If directory already exists, user is prompted if they want to overwrite and proceed. If not, program exits. ''' if not delete: try: os.mkdir(self.jobname) except OSError: if os.path.isdir(self.jobname): print('\nFolder ', self.jobname, ' exists') keep = input('Do you want to delete it? [yes/no] \n') if keep == 'yes' or keep == 'y': print('Deleting', self.jobname) shutil.rmtree(self.jobname) print('Creating', self.jobname) os.mkdir(self.jobname) elif keep == 'no' or 'n': error = "Not deleting folder. Exiting Program\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) else: error = "Unknown Response. Exiting Program\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) else: error = f"Unable to create working directory {self.jobname}\n. Please check the provided path.\nExiting\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) else: shutil.rmtree(self.jobname) print('Creating ', self.jobname) os.mkdir(self.jobname) os.mkdir(self.jobname + '/radii') os.mkdir(self.jobname + '/intersections') os.mkdir(self.jobname + '/polys') os.chdir(self.jobname) print("Current directory is now: %s\n" % os.getcwd()) print("Jobname is %s" % self.jobname)
[docs]def create_network(self): ''' Execute dfnGen Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class Returns ------- None Notes ----- After generation is complete, this script checks whether the generation of the fracture network failed or succeeded based on the existence of the file params.txt. ''' print('--> Running DFNGEN') # copy input file into job folder cmd = os.environ[ 'DFNGEN_EXE'] + ' ' + self.local_dfnGen_file[: -4] + '_clean.dat' + ' ' + self.jobname print("Running %s" % cmd), shell=True) if os.path.isfile("params.txt") is False: error = "ERROR! Generation Failed\nExiting Program.\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) else: num_poly, h, _, _, _ = parse_params_file(quiet=True) self.num_frac = num_poly self.h = h print('-' * 80) print("Generation Succeeded") print('-' * 80)