Source code for pydfnworks.dfnGen.generation.hydraulic_properties

import numpy as np
import sys

def get_units(variable):
    Returns a string of appropriate units for different variable

        variable : string
            name of variable. Acceptable values are aperture, permeability, and transmissivity
        units : string
            appropriate units for provided variable

    if variable == "aperture":
        units = "m"
    elif variable == "permeability":
        units = "m^2"
    elif variable == "transmissivity":
        units = "m^2/s"
        error = "ERROR!!! The variable of choice '{0}' is not known in the function get_units()\nAcceptable names are aperture, permeability, and transmissivity\nExiting.".format(
    return units

def check_key(dict, key):
    Checks if key is in dict

        dict : dictionary
        key : string
        bool : bool
            True if key is in dictionary, False if not


    if key in dict.keys():
        return True
        return False

def load_fractures(filename, quiet):
    Loads fracture information from filename. 

        filename : string
            name of fracture radii file
        r : array of doubles
            maximum radii of fractures

        family_id : array of ints
            family id for each fractures
        n : int
            number of fractures in the domain 

    if not quiet:
        print("--> Loading Fracture information from {0}".format(filename))

    data = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=2)
    family_id = (data[:, 2]).astype(int)
    n, _ = np.shape(data)
    r = np.zeros(n)
    for i in range(n):
        if data[i, 0] >= data[i, 1]:
            r[i] = data[i, 0]
            r[i] = data[i, 1]
    return r, family_id, n

def convert(x, source, target):
    converts between variables aperture, permeability, and transmissivity

        x : numpy array
            input values
        source : string
            variable name of source
        target : string
            variable name of output 
        y : numpy array
            array of converted values

    permeability/Transmissivty are defined using the cubic law

    k = b^2/12

    T = (b^3 rho g)/(12 mu)


    mu = 8.9e-4  #dynamic viscosity of water at 20 degrees C, Pa*s
    g = 9.8  #gravity acceleration
    rho = 997  # water density

    if source == "aperture" and target == "permeability":
        perm = (x**2) / 12
        return perm
    if source == "aperture" and target == "transmissivity":
        T = (x**3 * rho * g) / (12 * mu)
        return T
    if source == "permeability" and target == "aperture":
        b = np.sqrt((12.0 * x))
        return b

    if source == "permeability" and target == "transmissivity":
        b = np.sqrt((12.0 * x))
        T = (b * x * rho * g) / (12 * mu)
        return T

    if source == "transmissivity" and target == "aperture":
        b = ((x * 12 * mu) / (rho * g))**(1 / 3)
        return b
    if source == "transmissivity" and target == "permeability":
        b = ((x * 12 * mu) / (rho * g))**(1 / 3)
        perm = (b**2) / 12
        return perm
        error = "ERROR!!! Unknown names is convert. Either '{0}' or '{1}' is not known\nAcceptable names are aperture, permeability, and transmissivity\nExiting.\n".format(
            source, target)

def log_normal(params, variable, number_of_fractures):
    """ Creates Fracture Based Log-Normal values that is number_of_fractures long.
    The values has a mean mu and log-variance sigma. 
        params : dict 
            Dictionary of parameters for the Log Normal values. Must contain keys mu and sigma. 
        variable : string 
            name of values being generated. Acceptable values are aperture, permeability, and transmissivity
        number_of_fractures : int
            number of fractures in the DFN 
        b : array
            aperture values
        perm : array
            permeability values
        T : array
            transmissivity values

        values are generated for the variable provided. The two remaining variables are derived using those values
    print('--> Creating uncorrelated lognormal {0} values.'.format(variable))
    units = get_units(variable)
    print("--> Mean: {0} {1}".format(params["mu"], units))
    print("--> Log Variance: {0}".format(params["sigma"]))

    if variable == "aperture":
        b = np.log(params["mu"]) * np.ones(number_of_fractures)
        perturbation = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, number_of_fractures)
        b = np.exp(b + np.sqrt(params["sigma"]) * perturbation)

        perm = convert(b, variable, "permeability")
        T = convert(b, variable, "transmissivity")

    elif variable == "permeability":
        perm = np.log(params["mu"]) * np.ones(number_of_fractures)
        perturbation = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, number_of_fractures)
        perm = np.exp(perm + np.sqrt(params["sigma"]) * perturbation)

        b = convert(perm, variable, "aperture")
        T = convert(perm, variable, "transmissivity")

    elif variable == "transmissivity":
        T = np.log(params["mu"]) * np.ones(number_of_fractures)
        perturbation = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, number_of_fractures)
        T = np.exp(T + np.sqrt(params["sigma"]) * perturbation)

        b = convert(T, variable, "aperture")
        perm = convert(T, variable, "permeability")

        error = "ERROR!!! The variable of choice '{0}'' is not known\nAcceptable names are aperture, permeability, and transmissivity\nExiting.\n".format(
    print('--> Complete\n')
    return b, perm, T

def correlated(params, variable, radii):
    """ Creates hydraulic properties of fractures based on power-law relationship with 
    fracture radius. For example, T = alpha*r^beta
        params : dict 
            Dictionary of parameters for the power-law relationship. Must contain alpha and beta. 
        variable : string 
            name of values being generated. Acceptable values are aperture, permeability, and transmissivity
        radii : array
            array of fracture radii in the domain

        b : array
            aperture values
        perm : array
            permeability values
        T : array
            transmissivity values

        Values are generated for the variable provided. The two remaining variables are derived using those values
        '--> Creating Perfectly Correlated {0} values based on fracture radius.'
    units = get_units(variable)
    if variable == "aperture":
        print("b ={1}*r^{2} {3}".format(variable, params["alpha"],
                                        params["beta"], units))
    if variable == "permeability":
        print("k ={1}*r^{2} {3}".format(variable, params["alpha"],
                                        params["beta"], units))
    if variable == "transmissivity":
        print("T ={1}*r^{2} {3}".format(variable, params["alpha"],
                                        params["beta"], units))

    if variable == "aperture":
        b = params["alpha"] * radii**params["beta"]

        perm = convert(b, variable, "permeability")
        T = convert(b, variable, "transmissivity")

    elif variable == "permeability":
        perm = params["alpha"] * radii**params["beta"]

        b = convert(perm, variable, "aperture")
        T = convert(perm, variable, "transmissivity")

    elif variable == "transmissivity":
        T = params["alpha"] * radii**params["beta"]
        b = convert(T, variable, "aperture")
        perm = convert(T, variable, "permeability")

    print("--> Complete\n")
    return b, perm, T

def semi_correlated(params, variable, radii, number_of_fractures):
    """ Creates hydraulic properties of fractures based on power-law relationship with 
    fracture radius with a noise term. For example, log(T) = log(alpha*r^beta) + sigma * N(0,1)
        params : dict 
            Dictionary of parameters for the power-law relationship. Must contain alpha and beta. 
        variable : string 
            name of values being generated. Acceptable values are aperture, permeability, and transmissivity
        radii : array
            array of fracture radii in the domain
        number_of_fractures : int
            number of fractures in the DFN 

        b : array
            aperture values
        perm : array
            permeability values
        T : array
            transmissivity values

        Values are generated for the variable provided. The two remaining variables are derived using those values
    print("--> Creating Semi-Correlated {0} values based on fracture radius.".
    print('--> Coefficient: {0}'.format(params["alpha"]))
    print('--> Exponent : {0}'.format(params["beta"]))
    print('--> Log Variance: {0}'.format(params["sigma"]))

    if variable == "aperture":
        b = params["alpha"] * radii**params["beta"]
        perturbation = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, number_of_fractures)
        b = np.exp(np.log(b) + np.sqrt(params["sigma"]) * perturbation)

        perm = convert(b, variable, "permeability")
        T = convert(b, variable, "transmissivity")

    elif variable == "permeability":

        perm = params["alpha"] * radii**params["beta"]
        perturbation = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, number_of_fractures)
        perm = np.exp(np.log(perm) + np.sqrt(params["sigma"]) * perturbation)

        b = convert(perm, variable, "aperture")
        T = convert(perm, variable, "transmissivity")

    elif variable == "transmissivity":

        T = params["alpha"] * radii**params["beta"]
        perturbation = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, number_of_fractures)
        T = np.exp(np.log(T) + np.sqrt(params["sigma"]) * perturbation)
        b = convert(T, variable, "aperture")
        perm = convert(T, variable, "permeability")

    print('--> Complete\n')
    return b, perm, T

def constant(params, variable, number_of_fractures):
    """ Creates hydraulic properties of fractures with constant values
        params : dict 
            Dictionary of parameters for the power-law relationship. Must contain alpha and beta. 
        variable : string 
            name of values being generated. Acceptable values are aperture, permeability, and transmissivity
        number_of_fractures : int
            number of fractures in the DFN 

        b : array
            aperture values
        perm : array
            permeability values
        T : array
            transmissivity values
        b : array
            aperture values
        perm : array
            permeability values
        T : array
            transmissivity values

        Values are generated for the variable provided. The two remaining variables are derived using those values

    print("--> Creating constant {0} values.".format(variable))
    units = get_units(variable)
    print("--> Value: {0} {1}".format(params["mu"], units))

    if variable == "aperture":
        b = params["mu"] * np.ones(number_of_fractures)
        perm = convert(b, variable, "permeability")
        T = convert(b, variable, "transmissivity")

    elif variable == "permeability":

        perm = params["mu"] * np.ones(number_of_fractures)
        b = convert(perm, variable, "aperture")
        T = convert(perm, variable, "transmissivity")

    elif variable == "transmissivity":

        T = params["mu"] * np.ones(number_of_fractures)
        b = convert(T, variable, "aperture")
        perm = convert(T, variable, "permeability")

    print('--> Complete\n')
    return b, perm, T

[docs]def dump_hydraulic_values(self, b, perm, T, prefix=None): """ Writes variable information to files. Parameters ----------- prefix : string prefix of aperture.dat and perm.dat file names prefix_aperture.dat and prefix_perm.dat b : array aperture values perm : array permeability values T : array transmissivity values Returns ---------- None Notes ---------- """ print("--> Dumping values to files") n = len(b) # Write out new aperture.dat if prefix is not None: aper_filename = prefix + '_aperture.dat' perm_filename = prefix + '_perm.dat' trans_filename = prefix + '_transmissivity.dat' else: aper_filename = "aperture.dat" perm_filename = "perm.dat" trans_filename = "transmissivity.dat" # write aperture file print("--> Writing {0}".format(aper_filename)) with open(aper_filename, 'w+') as fp: fp.write('aperture\n') for i in range(n): fp.write('-{0:d} 0 0 {1:0.5e}\n'.format(i + 7, b[i])) # write perm file print("--> Writing {0}".format(perm_filename)) with open(perm_filename, 'w+') as fp: fp.write('permeability\n') for i in range(n): fp.write('-{0:d} 0 0 {1:0.5e} {1:0.5e} {1:0.5e}\n'.format( i + 7, perm[i])) print(f"--> Writing {trans_filename}") with open(trans_filename, 'w+') as fp: fp.write('transmissivty\n') for i in range(n): fp.write('-{0:d} {1:0.5e}\n'.format(i + 7, T[i])) print("Complete")
[docs]def generate_hydraulic_values(self, variable, relationship, params, radii_filename="radii_Final.dat", family_id=None): """ Generates hydraulic property values. Parameters ----------- self : object DFN Class relationship : string name of functional relationship for apertures. options are log-normal, correlated, semi-correlated, and constant params : dictionary dictionary of parameters for functional relationship family_id : int family id of fractures Returns ---------- b : array aperture values perm : array permeability values T : array transmissivity values idx : array of bool true / false of fracture families requested. If family_id = None, all entires are true. Only family members entires of b, perm, and T will be non-zero Notes ---------- See Hyman et al. 2016 "Fracture size and transmissivity correlations: Implications for transport simulations in sparse three-dimensional discrete fracture networks following a truncated power law distribution of fracture size" Water Resources Research for more details """ # Check if the variable choice is defined variables = ["aperture", "permeability", "transmissivity"] if variable not in variables: error = "ERROR!!! The variable of choice '{0}'' is not known\nAcceptable names are {1}, {2}, {3}\nExiting.\n".format( variable, variables[0], variables[1], variables[2]) sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) # else: # print( # "Creating aperture, permeability, and transmissivity based on {0}." # .format(variable)) # check if the function is defined functions = ["log-normal", "semi-correlated", "constant", "correlated"] if relationship not in functions: error = "ERROR!!! The provided relationship '{0}' is unknown\nAcceptable relationship are {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}\nExiting.\n".format( relationship, functions[0], functions[1], functions[2], functions[3]) sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) # else: # print( # "Creating aperture, permeability, and transmissivity using the {0} function." # .format(relationship)) # Load Fracture information radii, families, number_of_fractures = load_fractures(radii_filename, quiet=True) if family_id is not None: print("--> Working on Fracture Family {0}".format(family_id)) if relationship == "log-normal": keys = ["mu", "sigma"] for key in keys: if not check_key(params, key): error = "ERROR!!! The required key '{0}' was not found in the params dictionary\nExiting\n".format( key) sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) b, perm, T = log_normal(params, variable, number_of_fractures) if relationship == "correlated": keys = ["alpha", "beta"] for key in keys: if not check_key(params, key): error = "ERROR!!! The required key '{0}' was not found in the params dictionary\nExiting\n".format( key) sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) b, perm, T = correlated(params, variable, radii) if relationship == "semi-correlated": keys = ["alpha", "beta", "sigma"] for key in keys: if not check_key(params, key): error = "ERROR!!! The required key '{0}' was not found in the params dictionary\nExiting\n\n".format( key) sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) b, perm, T = semi_correlated(params, variable, radii, number_of_fractures) if relationship == "constant": keys = ["mu"] for key in keys: if not check_key(params, key): error = "ERROR!!! The required key '{0}' was not found in the params dictionary\nExiting\n\n".format( key) sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) b, perm, T = constant(params, variable, number_of_fractures) if family_id == None: return b, perm, T else: # Sent entrites that are not in the requested family to None idx = np.where(families != family_id) b[idx] = 0 T[idx] = 0 perm[idx] = 0 return b, perm, T
# if __name__ == '__main__': # variable = "transmissivity" # function = "correlated" # params = {"alpha":6.7*10**-9,"beta":1.4} # _,_,T1 = generate_hydraulic_values(variable,function,params,radii_filename="/Users/jhyman/Desktop/radii_Final.dat",family_id=1) # function = "semi-correlated" # params = {"alpha":6.3*10**-9,"beta":0.5,"sigma":1.0} # _,_,T2 = generate_hydraulic_values(variable,function,params,radii_filename="/Users/jhyman/Desktop/radii_Final.dat",family_id=2) # #combine values # T = T1 + T2 # print(T) # # convert to other variables # perm = convert(T,"transmissivity","permeability") # b = convert(T,"transmissivity","aperture") # # write to file # #dump_values("testing",b,perm,T)