Source code for pydfnworks.dfnGraph.dfn2graph

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import json

from networkx.algorithms.flow.shortestaugmentingpath import *
from networkx.algorithms.flow.edmondskarp import *
from networkx.algorithms.flow.preflowpush import *
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph

import matplotlib

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from itertools import islice

[docs]def create_graph(self, graph_type, inflow, outflow): """Header function to create a graph based on a DFN Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class object graph_type : string Option for what graph representation of the DFN is requested. Currently supported are fracture, intersection, and bipartitie inflow : string Name of inflow boundary (connect to source) outflow : string Name of outflow boundary (connect to target) Returns ------- G : NetworkX Graph Graph based on DFN Notes ----- """ if graph_type == "fracture": G = create_fracture_graph(inflow, outflow) elif graph_type == "intersection": G = create_intersection_graph(inflow, outflow) elif graph_type == "bipartite": G = create_bipartite_graph(inflow, outflow) else: print("ERROR! Unknown graph type") return [] return G
def create_fracture_graph(inflow, outflow, topology_file="connectivity.dat", fracture_info="fracture_info.dat"): """ Create a graph based on topology of network. Fractures are represented as nodes and if two fractures intersect there is an edge between them in the graph. Source and Target node are added to the graph. Parameters ---------- inflow : string Name of inflow boundary (connect to source) outflow : string Name of outflow boundary (connect to target) topology_file : string Name of adjacency matrix file for a DFN default=connectivity.dat fracture_infor : str filename for fracture information Returns ------- G : NetworkX Graph NetworkX Graph where vertices in the graph correspond to fractures and edges indicated two fractures intersect Notes ----- """ print("--> Loading Graph based on topology in " + topology_file) G = nx.Graph(representation="fracture") with open(topology_file, "r") as infile: for i, line in enumerate(infile): conn = [int(n) for n in line.split()] for j in conn: G.add_edge(i + 1, j) ## Create Source and Target and add edges inflow_filename = inflow + ".dat" outflow_filename = outflow + ".dat" inflow = np.genfromtxt(inflow_filename).astype(int) outflow = np.genfromtxt(outflow_filename).astype(int) try: if len(inflow) > 1: inflow = list(inflow) except: inflow = [inflow.tolist()] try: if len(outflow) > 1: outflow = list(outflow) except: outflow = [outflow.tolist()] G.add_node('s') G.add_node('t') G.add_edges_from(zip(['s'] * (len(inflow)), inflow)) G.add_edges_from(zip(outflow, ['t'] * (len(outflow)))) add_perm(G, fracture_info) print("--> Graph loaded") return G def boundary_index(bc_name): """Determines boundary index in intersections_list.dat from name Parameters ---------- bc_name : string Boundary condition name Returns ------- bc_index : int integer indexing of cube faces Notes ----- top = 1 bottom = 2 left = 3 front = 4 right = 5 back = 6 """ bc_dict = { "top": -1, "bottom": -2, "left": -3, "front": -4, "right": -5, "back": -6 } try: return bc_dict[bc_name] except: error = "Unknown boundary condition: %s\nExiting\n" % bc sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) def create_intersection_graph(inflow, outflow, intersection_file="intersection_list.dat", fracture_info="fracture_info.dat"): """ Create a graph based on topology of network. Edges are represented as nodes and if two intersections are on the same fracture, there is an edge between them in the graph. Source and Target node are added to the graph. Parameters ---------- inflow : string Name of inflow boundary outflow : string Name of outflow boundary intersection_file : string File containing intersection information File Format: fracture 1, fracture 2, x center, y center, z center, intersection length fracture_infor : str filename for fracture information Returns ------- G : NetworkX Graph Vertices have attributes x,y,z location and length. Edges has attribute length Notes ----- Aperture and Perm on edges can be added using add_app and add_perm functions """ print("Creating Graph Based on DFN") print("Intersections being mapped to nodes and fractures to edges") inflow_index = boundary_index(inflow) outflow_index = boundary_index(outflow) f = open(intersection_file) f.readline() frac_edges = [] for line in f: frac_edges.append(line.rstrip().split()) f.close() # Tag mapping G = nx.Graph(representation="intersection") remove_list = [] # each edge in the DFN is a node in the graph for i in range(len(frac_edges)): f1 = int(frac_edges[i][0]) keep = True if frac_edges[i][1] == 's' or frac_edges[i][1] == 't': f2 = frac_edges[i][1] elif int(frac_edges[i][1]) > 0: f2 = int(frac_edges[i][1]) elif int(frac_edges[i][1]) == inflow_index: f2 = 's' elif int(frac_edges[i][1]) == outflow_index: f2 = 't' elif int(frac_edges[i][1]) < 0: keep = False if keep: # note fractures of the intersection G.add_node(i, frac=(f1, f2)) # keep intersection location and length G.nodes[i]['x'] = float(frac_edges[i][2]) G.nodes[i]['y'] = float(frac_edges[i][3]) G.nodes[i]['z'] = float(frac_edges[i][4]) G.nodes[i]['length'] = float(frac_edges[i][5]) nodes = list(nx.nodes(G)) f1 = nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'frac') # identify which edges are on whcih fractures for i in nodes: e = set(f1[i]) for j in nodes: if i != j: tmp = set(f1[j]) x = e.intersection(tmp) if len(x) > 0: x = list(x)[0] # Check for Boundary Intersections # This stops boundary fractures from being incorrectly # connected # If not, add edge between if x != 's' and x != 't': xi = G.nodes[i]['x'] yi = G.nodes[i]['y'] zi = G.nodes[i]['z'] xj = G.nodes[j]['x'] yj = G.nodes[j]['y'] zj = G.nodes[j]['z'] distance = np.sqrt((xi - xj)**2 + (yi - yj)**2 + (zi - zj)**2) G.add_edge(i, j, frac=x, length=distance) # Add Sink and Source nodes G.add_node('s') G.add_node('t') for i in nodes: e = set(f1[i]) if len(e.intersection(set('s'))) > 0 or len(e.intersection(set( [-1]))) > 0: G.add_edge(i, 's', frac='s', length=0.0) if len(e.intersection(set('t'))) > 0 or len(e.intersection(set( [-2]))) > 0: G.add_edge(i, 't', frac='t', length=0.0) add_perm(G, fracture_info) print("Graph Construction Complete") return G def create_bipartite_graph(inflow, outflow, intersection_list='intersection_list.dat', fracture_info='fracture_info.dat'): """Creates a bipartite graph of the DFN. Nodes are in two sets, fractures and intersections, with edges connecting them. Parameters ---------- inflow : str name of inflow boundary outflow : str name of outflow boundary intersection_list: str filename of intersections generated from DFN fracture_infor : str filename for fracture information Returns ------- B : NetworkX Graph Notes ----- See Hyman et al. 2018 "Identifying Backbones in Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Networks: A Bipartite Graph-Based Approach" SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation for more details """ print("--> Creating Bipartite Graph") # generate sequential letter sequence as ids for fractures # e..g aaaaa aaaaab aaaaac from itertools import product def intersection_id_generator(length=5): chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' for p in product(chars, repeat=length): yield (''.join(p)) B = nx.Graph(representation="bipartite") # keep track of the sets of fractures and intersections B.fractures = set() B.intersections = set() intersection_id = intersection_id_generator() inflow_index = boundary_index(inflow) outflow_index = boundary_index(outflow) with open(intersection_list) as f: header = f.readline() data = for line in data.split('\n'): fracture1, fracture2, x, y, z, length = line.split(' ') fracture1 = int(fracture1) fracture2 = int(fracture2) if fracture2 < 0: if fracture2 == inflow_index: fracture2 = 's' elif fracture2 == outflow_index: fracture2 = 't' intersection = next(intersection_id) # add intersection node explicitly to include intersection properties B.add_node(intersection, x=float(x), y=float(y), z=float(z), length=float(length)) B.intersections.add(intersection) B.add_edge(intersection, fracture1, frac=fracture1) B.fractures.add(fracture1) if fracture2 > 0 or fracture2 == 's' or fracture2 == 't': B.add_edge(intersection, fracture2, frac=fracture2) B.fractures.add(fracture2) # add source and sink for intersections so they will appear in intersection projection B.add_edge('intersection_s', 's') B.add_edge('intersection_t', 't') # add fracture info with open(fracture_info) as f: header = f.readline() data = for fracture, line in enumerate(data.split('\n'), 1): c, perm, aperture = line.split(' ') B.nodes[fracture]['perm'] = float(perm) B.nodes[fracture]['aperture'] = float(aperture) print("--> Complete") return B
[docs]def add_fracture_source(self, G, source): """ Adds a source node/nodes to the graph G. Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX Graph NetworkX Graph based on a DFN source_list : list list of integers corresponding to fracture numbers remove_old_source: bool remove old source from the graph Returns ------- G : NetworkX Graph Notes ----- Bipartite graph not supported If a source node already exists, it is removed from the graph """ if not type(source) == list: source = [source] print("--> Adding new source connections") print("--> Warning old source will be removed!!!") if G.graph['representation'] == "fracture": # removing old source term and all connections G.remove_node('s') # add new source node G.add_node('s') G.nodes['s']['perm'] = 1.0 G.nodes['s']['iperm'] = 1.0 for u in source: G.add_edge(u, 's') elif G.graph['representation'] == "intersection": # removing old source term and all connections nodes_to_remove = ['s'] for u, d in G.nodes(data=True): if u != 's' and u != 't': f1, f2 = d["frac"] #print("node {0}: f1 {1}, f2 {2}".format(u,f1,f2)) if f2 == 's': nodes_to_remove.append(u) print("--> Removing nodes: ", nodes_to_remove) G.remove_nodes_from(nodes_to_remove) # add new source node G.add_node('s') for u, d in G.nodes(data=True): if u != 's' and u != 't': f1 = d["frac"][0] f2 = d["frac"][1] if f1 in source: print( "--> Adding edge between {0} and new source / fracture {1}" .format(u, f1)) G.add_edge(u, 's', frac=f1, length=0., perm=1., iperm=1.) elif f2 in source: print( "--> Adding edge between {0} and new source / fracture {1}" .format(u, f2)) G.add_edge(u, 's', frac=f2, length=0., perm=1., iperm=1.) elif G.graph['representation'] == "bipartite": print("--> Not supported for bipartite graph") print("--> Returning unchanged graph") return G
[docs]def add_fracture_target(self, G, target): """ Adds a target node/nodes to the graph G. Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX Graph NetworkX Graph based on a DFN target : list list of integers corresponding to fracture numbers Returns ------- G : NetworkX Graph Notes ----- Bipartite graph not supported If a target node already exists, it is removed from the graph """ if not type(target) == list: source = [target] print("--> Adding new target connections") print("--> Warning old target will be removed!!!") if G.graph['representation'] == "fracture": # removing old target term and all connections G.remove_node('t') # add new target node G.add_node('t') G.nodes['t']['perm'] = 1.0 G.nodes['t']['iperm'] = 1.0 for u in target: G.add_edge(u, 't') elif G.graph['representation'] == "intersection": # removing old target term and all connections nodes_to_remove = ['t'] for u, d in G.nodes(data=True): if u != 's' and u != 't': f1, f2 = d["frac"] #print("node {0}: f1 {1}, f2 {2}".format(u,f1,f2)) if f2 == 't': nodes_to_remove.append(u) print("--> Removing nodes: ", nodes_to_remove) G.remove_nodes_from(nodes_to_remove) # add new target node G.add_node('t') for u, d in G.nodes(data=True): if u != 's' and u != 't': f1 = d["frac"][0] f2 = d["frac"][1] if f1 in target: print( "--> Adding edge between {0} and new target / fracture {1}" .format(u, f1)) G.add_edge(u, 't', frac=f1, length=0., perm=1., iperm=1.) elif f2 in target: print( "--> Adding edge between {0} and new target / fracture {1}" .format(u, f2)) G.add_edge(u, 't', frac=f2, length=0., perm=1., iperm=1.) elif G.graph['representation'] == "bipartite": print("--> Not supported for bipartite graph") print("--> Returning unchanged graph") return G
def k_shortest_paths(G, k, source, target, weight): """Returns the k shortest paths in a graph Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX Graph NetworkX Graph based on a DFN k : int Number of requested paths source : node Starting node target : node Ending node weight : string Edge weight used for finding the shortest path Returns ------- paths : sets of nodes a list of lists of nodes in the k shortest paths Notes ----- Edge weights must be numerical and non-negative """ return list( islice(nx.shortest_simple_paths(G, source, target, weight=weight), k))
[docs]def k_shortest_paths_backbone(self, G, k, source='s', target='t', weight=None): """Returns the subgraph made up of the k shortest paths in a graph Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX Graph NetworkX Graph based on a DFN k : int Number of requested paths source : node Starting node target : node Ending node weight : string Edge weight used for finding the shortest path Returns ------- H : NetworkX Graph Subgraph of G made up of the k shortest paths Notes ----- See Hyman et al. 2017 "Predictions of first passage times in sparse discrete fracture networks using graph-based reductions" Physical Review E for more details """ print("\n--> Determining %d shortest paths in the network" % k) H = G.copy() k_shortest = set([]) for path in k_shortest_paths(G, k, source, target, weight): k_shortest |= set(path) k_shortest.remove('s') k_shortest.remove('t') path_nodes = sorted(list(k_shortest)) nodes = list(G.nodes()) secondary = list(set(nodes) - set(path_nodes)) for n in secondary: H.remove_node(n) return H print("--> Complete\n")
def pull_source_and_target(nodes, source='s', target='t'): """Removes source and target from list of nodes, useful for dumping subnetworks to file for remeshing Parameters ---------- nodes :list List of nodes in the graph source : node Starting node target : node Ending node Returns ------- nodes : list List of nodes with source and target nodes removed Notes ----- """ for node in [source, target]: try: nodes.remove(node) except: pass return nodes
[docs]def dump_fractures(self, G, filename): """Write fracture numbers assocaited with the graph G out into an ASCII file inputs Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class G : NetworkX graph NetworkX Graph based on the DFN filename : string Output filename Returns ------- Notes ----- """ if G.graph['representation'] == "fracture": nodes = list(G.nodes()) elif G.graph['representation'] == "intersection": nodes = [] for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): nodes.append(G[u][v]['frac']) nodes = list(set(nodes)) elif G.graph['representation'] == "bipartite": nodes = [] for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): nodes.append(G[u][v]['frac']) nodes = list(set(nodes)) nodes = pull_source_and_target(nodes) fractures = [int(i) for i in nodes] fractures = sorted(fractures) print("--> Dumping %s" % filename) np.savetxt(filename, fractures, fmt="%d")
[docs]def greedy_edge_disjoint(self, G, source='s', target='t', weight='None', k=''): """ Greedy Algorithm to find edge disjoint subgraph from s to t. See Hyman et al. 2018 SIAM MMS Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class Object G : NetworkX graph NetworkX Graph based on the DFN source : node Starting node target : node Ending node weight : string Edge weight used for finding the shortest path k : int Number of edge disjoint paths requested Returns ------- H : NetworkX Graph Subgraph of G made up of the k shortest of all edge-disjoint paths from source to target Notes ----- 1. Edge weights must be numerical and non-negative. 2. See Hyman et al. 2018 "Identifying Backbones in Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Networks: A Bipartite Graph-Based Approach" SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation for more details """ print("--> Identifying edge disjoint paths") if G.graph['representation'] != "intersection": print( "--> ERROR!!! Wrong type of DFN graph representation\nRepresentation must be intersection\nReturning Empty Graph\n" ) return nx.Graph() Gprime = G.copy() Hprime = nx.Graph() Hprime.graph['representation'] = G.graph['representation'] cnt = 0 # if a number of paths in not provided k will equal the min cut between s and t min_cut = len(nx.minimum_edge_cut(G, 's', 't')) if k == '' or k > min_cut: k = min_cut while nx.has_path(Gprime, source, target): path = nx.shortest_path(Gprime, source, target, weight=weight) H = Gprime.subgraph(path) Hprime.add_edges_from(H.edges(data=True)) Gprime.remove_edges_from(list(H.edges())) cnt += 1 if cnt > k: break print("--> Complete") return Hprime
[docs]def plot_graph(self, G, source='s', target='t', output_name="dfn_graph"): """ Create a png of a graph with source nodes colored blue, target red, and all over nodes black Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX graph NetworkX Graph based on the DFN source : node Starting node target : node Ending node output_name : string Name of output file (no .png) Returns ------- Notes ----- Image is written to output_name.png """ print("\n--> Plotting Graph") print("--> Output file: %s.png" % output_name) # get positions for all nodes pos = nx.spring_layout(G) nodes = list(G.nodes) # draw nodes nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=nodes, node_color='k', node_size=10, alpha=1.0) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=[source], node_color='b', node_size=50, alpha=1.0) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=[target], node_color='r', node_size=50, alpha=1.0) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, width=1.0, alpha=0.5) plt.axis('off') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(output_name + ".png") plt.clf() print("--> Plotting Graph Complete\n")
[docs]def dump_json_graph(self, G, name): """Write graph out in json format Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class G :networkX graph NetworkX Graph based on the DFN name : string Name of output file (no .json) Returns ------- Notes ----- """ print("--> Dumping Graph into file: " + name + ".json") jsondata = json_graph.node_link_data(G) with open(name + '.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(jsondata, fp) print("--> Complete")
[docs]def load_json_graph(self, name): """ Read in graph from json format Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class name : string Name of input file (no .json) Returns ------- G :networkX graph NetworkX Graph based on the DFN """ print("Loading Graph in file: " + name + ".json") fp = open(name + '.json') G = json_graph.node_link_graph(json.load(fp)) print("Complete") return G
def add_perm(G, fracture_info="fracture_info.dat"): """ Add fracture permeability to Graph. If Graph representation is fracture, then permeability is a node attribute. If graph representation is intersection, then permeability is an edge attribute Parameters ---------- G :networkX graph NetworkX Graph based on the DFN fracture_infor : str filename for fracture information Returns ------- Notes ----- """ perm = np.genfromtxt(fracture_info, skip_header=1)[:, 1] if G.graph['representation'] == "fracture": nodes = list(nx.nodes(G)) for n in nodes: if n != 's' and n != 't': G.nodes[n]['perm'] = perm[n - 1] G.nodes[n]['iperm'] = 1.0 / perm[n - 1] else: G.nodes[n]['perm'] = 1.0 G.nodes[n]['iperm'] = 1.0 elif G.graph['representation'] == "intersection": edges = list(nx.edges(G)) for u, v in edges: x = G[u][v]['frac'] if x != 's' and x != 't': G[u][v]['perm'] = perm[x - 1] G[u][v]['iperm'] = 1.0 / perm[x - 1] else: G[u][v]['perm'] = 1.0 G[u][v]['iperm'] = 1.0 elif G.graph['representation'] == "bipartite": # add fracture info with open(fracture_info) as f: header = f.readline() data = for fracture, line in enumerate(data.split('\n'), 1): c, perm, aperture = line.split(' ') G.nodes[fracture]['perm'] = float(perm) G.nodes[fracture]['iperm'] = 1.0 / float(perm) G.nodes[fracture]['aperture'] = float(aperture) def add_area(G, fracture_info="fracture_info.dat"): ''' Read Fracture aperture from fracture_info.dat and load on the edges in the graph. Graph must be intersection to node representation Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX Graph networkX graph fracture_info : str filename for fracture information Returns ------- None ''' aperture = np.genfromtxt(fracture_info, skip_header=1)[:, 2] edges = list(nx.edges(G)) for u, v in edges: x = G.edges[u, v]['frac'] if x != 's' and x != 't': G.edges[u, v]['area'] = aperture[x - 1] * (G.nodes[u]['length'] + G.nodes[v]['length']) / 2.0 else: G.edges[u, v]['area'] = 1.0 return def add_weight(G): '''Compute weight w = K*A/L associated with each edge Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX Graph networkX graph Returns ------- None ''' edges = list(nx.edges(G)) for u, v in edges: if G.edges[u, v]['length'] > 0: G.edges[u, v]['weight'] = G.edges[u, v]['perm'] * G.edges[ u, v]['area'] / G.edges[u, v]['length'] return