Source code for pydfnworks.dfnGraph.graph_flow

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import sys
import scipy.sparse

# pydfnworks modules
from pydfnworks.dfnGraph import dfn2graph as d2g

def get_laplacian_sparse_mat(G,
    """ Get the matrices D, A that make up the Laplacian sparse matrix in desired sparsity format. Used to enforce boundary conditions by modifying rows of L = D - A

        G : object
            NetworkX graph equipped with weight attribute

        nodelist : list
            list of nodes of G for which laplacian is desired. Default is None in which case, all the nodes
        weight : string
            For weighted Laplacian, else all weights assumed unity
        dtype :  default is None, cooresponds to float
        format: string
            sparse matrix format, csr, csc, coo, lil_matrix with default being lil

        D : sparse 2d float array       
            Diagonal part of Laplacian
        A : sparse 2d float array
            Adjacency matrix of graph

    A = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(G,

    (n, n) = A.shape
    data = np.asarray(A.sum(axis=1).T)
    D = scipy.sparse.spdiags(data, 0, n, n, format=format)
    return D, A

def prepare_graph_with_attributes(inflow, outflow):
    """ Create a NetworkX graph, prepare it for flow solve by equipping edges with  attributes, renumber vertices, and tag vertices which are on inlet or outlet
        inflow : string
            name of file containing list of DFN fractures on inflow boundary

        outflow: string
            name of file containing list of DFN fractures on outflow boundary

        Gtilde : NetworkX graph

    G = d2g.create_intersection_graph(
        inflow, outflow, intersection_file="intersection_list.dat")
    Gtilde = G.copy()

    for v in nx.nodes(Gtilde):
        Gtilde.nodes[v]['inletflag'] = False
        Gtilde.nodes[v]['outletflag'] = False

    for v in nx.neighbors(Gtilde, 's'):
        Gtilde.nodes[v]['inletflag'] = True

    for v in nx.neighbors(Gtilde, 't'):
        Gtilde.nodes[v]['outletflag'] = True


    Gtilde = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(Gtilde,

    return Gtilde

def solve_flow_on_graph(Gtilde, Pin, Pout, fluid_viscosity=8.9e-4):
    """ Given a NetworkX graph prepared  for flow solve, solve for vertex pressures, and equip edges with attributes (Darcy) flux  and time of travel

        Gtilde : NetworkX graph

        Pin : double
            Value of pressure (in Pa) at inlet
        Pout : double
            Value of pressure (in Pa) at outlet
        fluid_viscosity : double
            optional, in Pa-s, default is for water
        Gtilde : NetworkX graph 
            Gtilde is updated with vertex pressures, edge fluxes and travel times

    Inlet = [v for v in nx.nodes(Gtilde) if Gtilde.nodes[v]['inletflag']]
    Outlet = [v for v in nx.nodes(Gtilde) if Gtilde.nodes[v]['outletflag']]

    if not set(Inlet).isdisjoint(set(Outlet)):
        error = "Incompatible graph: Vertex connected to both source and target\n"

    D, A = get_laplacian_sparse_mat(Gtilde, weight='weight', format='lil')

    rhs = np.zeros(Gtilde.number_of_nodes())

    for v in Inlet:
        rhs[v] = Pin
        A[v, :] = 0
        D[v, v] = 1.0
    for v in Outlet:
        rhs[v] = Pout
        A[v, :] = 0
        D[v, v] = 1.0
    L = D - A  # automatically converts to csr when returning L

    print("Solving sparse system")
    Phat = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(L, rhs)
    print("Updating graph edges with flow solution")

    for v in nx.nodes(Gtilde):
        Gtilde.nodes[v]['pressure'] = Phat[v]

    for u, v in nx.edges(Gtilde):
        delta_p = abs(Gtilde.nodes[u]['pressure'] -
        if delta_p > np.spacing(Gtilde.nodes[u]['pressure']):
            Gtilde.edges[u, v]['flux'] = (
                Gtilde.edges[u, v]['perm'] / fluid_viscosity
            ) * abs(Gtilde.nodes[u]['pressure'] -
                    Gtilde.nodes[v]['pressure']) / Gtilde.edges[u, v]['length']
            Gtilde.edges[u, v]['time'] = Gtilde.edges[
                u, v]['length'] / Gtilde.edges[u, v]['flux']
            Gtilde.edges[u, v]['flux'] = 0

    print("Graph flow complete")
    return Gtilde

[docs]def run_graph_flow(self, inflow, outflow, Pin, Pout, fluid_viscosity=8.9e-4): """ Run the graph flow portion of the workflow Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class inflow : string name of file containing list of DFN fractures on inflow boundary outflow: string name of file containing list of DFN fractures on outflow boundary Pin : double Value of pressure (in Pa) at inlet Pout : double Value of pressure (in Pa) at outlet fluid_viscosity : double optional, in Pa-s, default is for water Returns ------- Gtilde : NetworkX graph Grtilde is updated with vertex pressures, edge fluxes and travel times Notes ----- Information on individual functions in found therein """ Gtilde = prepare_graph_with_attributes(inflow, outflow) Gtilde = solve_flow_on_graph(Gtilde, Pin, Pout, fluid_viscosity) return Gtilde