Source code for pydfnworks.dfnGraph.graph_transport

.. module::
   :synopsis: simulate transport on a pipe network representaiton of a DFN 
.. moduleauthor:: Shriram Srinivasan <>


import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import numpy.random
import sys
import math
import scipy.special
import multiprocessing as mp

# pydfnworks modules
import pydfnworks.dfnGraph.graph_flow

def create_neighbor_list(Gtilde):
    """ Create a list of downstream neighbor vertices for every vertex on NetworkX graph obtained after running graph_flow

        Gtilde: NetworkX graph 
            obtained from output of graph_flow

        dict : nested dictionary.

    dict[n]['child'] is a list of vertices downstream to vertex n
    dict[n]['prob'] is a list of probabilities for choosing a downstream node for vertex n

    nbrs_dict = {}

    for i in nx.nodes(Gtilde):

        if Gtilde.nodes[i]['outletflag']:

        node_list = []
        prob_list = []
        nbrs_dict[i] = {}

        for v in nx.neighbors(Gtilde, i):
            delta_p = Gtilde.nodes[i]['pressure'] - Gtilde.nodes[v]['pressure']

            if delta_p > np.spacing(Gtilde.nodes[i]['pressure']):
                prob_list.append(Gtilde.edges[i, v]['flux'])

        if node_list:
            nbrs_dict[i]['child'] = node_list
            nbrs_dict[i]['prob'] = np.array(prob_list,
                                            dtype=float) / sum(prob_list)
            nbrs_dict[i]['child'] = None
            nbrs_dict[i]['prob'] = None

    return nbrs_dict

class Particle():
    Class for graph particle tracking, instantiated for each particle

        * time : Total advective time of travel of particle [s]
        * tdrw_time : Total advection+diffusion time of travel of particle [s]
        * dist : total distance travelled in advection [m]
        * flag : True if particle exited system, else False
        * frac_seq : Dictionary, contains information about fractures through which the particle went
    def __init__(self):
        self.frac_seq = {}
        self.time = float
        self.tdrw_time = float
        self.dist = float
        self.flag = bool

    def set_start_time_dist(self, t, L):
        """ Set initial value for travel time and distance

            self: object
            t : double
                time in seconds
            L : double
                distance in metres



        self.time = t
        self.tdrw_time = t
        self.dist = L

    def track(self, Gtilde, nbrs_dict, frac_porosity, tdrw_flag,
              matrix_porosity, matrix_diffusivity):
        """ track a particle from inlet vertex to outlet vertex

            Gtilde : NetworkX graph
                graph obtained from graph_flow

            nbrs_dict: nested dictionary
                dictionary of downstream neighbors for each vertex



        Inlet = [v for v in nx.nodes(Gtilde) if Gtilde.nodes[v]['inletflag']]

        curr_v = numpy.random.choice(Inlet)

        while True:

            if Gtilde.nodes[curr_v]['outletflag']:
                self.flag = True

            if nbrs_dict[curr_v]['child'] is None:
                self.flag = False

            next_v = numpy.random.choice(nbrs_dict[curr_v]['child'],

            frac = Gtilde.edges[curr_v, next_v]['frac']

            t = Gtilde.edges[curr_v, next_v]['time'] * frac_porosity

            if tdrw_flag:
                a_nondim = matrix_porosity * math.sqrt(
                    matrix_diffusivity /
                    (12 * Gtilde.edges[curr_v, next_v]['perm']))
                xi = numpy.random.random_sample()
                t_tdrw = t + math.pow(a_nondim * t / scipy.special.erfcinv(xi),
                t_tdrw = t

            L = Gtilde.edges[curr_v, next_v]['length']
            self.add_frac_data(frac, t, t_tdrw, L)
            curr_v = next_v

    def add_frac_data(self, frac, t, t_tdrw, L):
        """ add details of fracture through which particle traversed

            self: object

            frac: int
                index of fracture in graph

            t : double
                time in seconds
            t_tdrw: double
                time in seconds
            L : double
                distance in metres



            {frac: {
                'time': 0.0,
                'tdrw_time': 0.0,
                'dist': 0.0
        self.frac_seq[frac]['time'] += t
        self.frac_seq[frac]['tdrw_time'] += t_tdrw
        self.frac_seq[frac]['dist'] += L
        self.time += t
        self.tdrw_time += t_tdrw
        self.dist += L

    def write_file(self, partime_file=None, frac_id_file=None):
        """ write particle data to output files, if supplied

            self: object

            partime_file : string
                name of file to  which the total travel times and lengths will be written for each particle, default is None

            frac_id_file : string
                name of file to which detailed information of each particle's travel will be written, default is None

        if partime_file is not None:
            with open(partime_file, "a") as f1:
                f1.write("{:3.3E} {:3.3E} {:3.3E} {:3.3E} \n".format(
                    self.time, self.tdrw_time, self.tdrw_time - self.time,

        if frac_id_file is not None:
            data1 = []
            data1 = [
                key for key in self.frac_seq if isinstance(key, dict) is False
            n = len(data1)
            with open(frac_id_file, "a") as f2:
                for i in range(n):
                    f2.write("{:d}  ".format(data1[i]))
                # f2.write("{:d}".format(n))
                # for i in range(0, 4 * n):
                #     if i < n:
                #         f2.write("{3:d}  ".format(data1[i]))
                #     elif n - 1 < i < 2 * n:
                #         f2.write("{:3.2E}  ".format(
                #             self.frac_seq[data1[i - n]]['time']))
                #     elif 2 * n - 1 < i < 3 * n:
                #         f2.write("{:3.2E}  ".format(
                #             self.frac_seq[data1[i - 2 * n]]['tdrw_time']))
                #     else:
                #         f2.write("{:3.2E}  ".format(
                #             self.frac_seq[data1[i - 3 * n]]['dist']))
                # f2.write("\n")

def prepare_output_files(partime_file, frac_id_file):
    """ opens the output files partime_file and frac_id_file and writes the
        header for each


            partime_file : string
                name of file to  which the total travel times and lengths will be written for each particle

            frac_id_file : string
                name of file to which detailed information of each particle's travel will be written


        with open(partime_file, "w") as f1:
                "# advective time (s)  advection+diffusion time (s)  diffusion time (s)  total advection distance covered (m)\n"
        error = "ERROR: Unable to open supplied partime_file file {}\n".format(

        with open(frac_id_file, "w") as f2:
            f2.write("# List of fractures each particle visits\n")
            #    "# Line has (n+n+n+n) entries, consisting of all frac_ids (from 0), advective times (s), advective+diffusion times (s), advection dist covered (m)\n"
        error = "ERROR: Unable to open supplied frac_id_file file {}\n".format(

def dump_particle_info(particles, partime_file, frac_id_file):
    """ If running graph transport in parallel, this function dumps out all the
        particle information is a single pass rather then opening and closing the
        files for every particle

            particles : list
                list of particle objects 

            partime_file : string
                name of file to  which the total travel times and lengths will be written for each particle

            frac_id_file : string
                name of file to which detailed information of each particle's travel will be written

            pfailcount : int 
                Number of particles that do not exit the domain


    prepare_output_files(partime_file, frac_id_file)

    f1 = open(partime_file, "a")
    f2 = open(frac_id_file, "a")

    pfailcount = 0

    for particle in particles:
        if particle.flag:
            f1.write("{:3.3E} {:3.3E} {:3.3E} {:3.3E} \n".format(
                particle.time, particle.tdrw_time,
                particle.tdrw_time - particle.time, particle.dist))

            data1 = [
                key for key in particle.frac_seq
                if isinstance(key, dict) is False
            n = len(data1)

            for i in range(n):
                f2.write("{:d}  ".format(data1[i]))
            # f2.write("{:d}".format(n))
            # for i in range(0, 4 * n):
            #     if i < n:
            #         f2.write("{3:d}  ".format(data1[i]))
            #     elif n - 1 < i < 2 * n:
            #         f2.write("{:3.2E}  ".format(
            #             self.frac_seq[data1[i - n]]['time']))
            #     elif 2 * n - 1 < i < 3 * n:
            #         f2.write("{:3.2E}  ".format(
            #             self.frac_seq[data1[i - 2 * n]]['tdrw_time']))
            #     else:
            #         f2.write("{:3.2E}  ".format(
            #             self.frac_seq[data1[i - 3 * n]]['dist']))
            # f2.write("\n")
            pfailcount += 1

    return pfailcount

def track_particle(data):
    """ Tracks a single particle through the graph

        all input parameters are in the dictionary named data 

            Gtilde : NetworkX graph 
                obtained from graph_flow

            nbrs_dict : dict
                see function  create_neighbor_list

            frac_porosity: float
                porosity of fracture, default is 1.0

            tdrw_flag : Bool
                if False, matrix_porosity, matrix_diffusivity are ignored

            matrix_porosity: float
                default is 0.02

            matrix_diffusivity: float
                default is 1e-11 m^2/s

            particle : object
                particle trajectory information 


    particle = Particle()
    particle.set_start_time_dist(0, 0)
    particle.track(data["Gtilde"], data["nbrs_dict"], data["frac_porosity"],
                   data["tdrw_flag"], data["matrix_porosity"],

    return particle

[docs]def run_graph_transport(self, Gtilde, nparticles, partime_file, frac_id_file, frac_porosity=1.0, tdrw_flag=False, matrix_porosity=0.02, matrix_diffusivity=1e-11): """ Run particle tracking on the given NetworkX graph Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class Gtilde : NetworkX graph obtained from graph_flow nparticles: int number of particles partime_file : string name of file to which the total travel times and lengths will be written for each particle frac_id_file : string name of file to which detailed information of each particle's travel will be written frac_porosity: float porosity of fracture, default is 1.0 tdrw_flag : Bool if False, matrix_porosity, matrix_diffusivity are ignored matrix_porosity: float default is 0.02 matrix_diffusivity: float default is 1e-11 in SI units Returns ------- Notes ----- Information on individual functions is found therein """ nbrs_dict = create_neighbor_list(Gtilde) print("--> Creating downstream neighbor list") Inlet = [v for v in nx.nodes(Gtilde) if Gtilde.nodes[v]['inletflag']] pfailcount = 0 print("--> Starting particle tracking for %d particles" % nparticles) if self.ncpu > 1: print("--> Using %d processors" % self.ncpu) mp_input = [] for i in range(nparticles): data = {} data["Gtilde"] = Gtilde data["nbrs_dict"] = nbrs_dict data["frac_porosity"] = frac_porosity data["tdrw_flag"] = tdrw_flag data["matrix_porosity"] = matrix_porosity data["matrix_diffusivity"] = matrix_diffusivity #data["partime_file"] = partime_file #data["frac_id_file"] = frac_id_file mp_input.append(data) pool = mp.Pool(self.ncpu) particles =, mp_input) pool.close() pool.join() pool.terminate() print("--> Tracking Complete") print("--> Writing Data to files: {} and {}".format( partime_file, frac_id_file)) dump_particle_info(particles, partime_file, frac_id_file) print("--> Writing Data Complete") else: prepare_output_files(partime_file, frac_id_file) for i in range(nparticles): if i % 1000 == 0: print("--> Starting particle %d out of %d" % (i, nparticles)) particle_i = Particle() particle_i.set_start_time_dist(0, 0) particle_i.track(Gtilde, nbrs_dict, frac_porosity, tdrw_flag, matrix_porosity, matrix_diffusivity) if particle_i.flag: particle_i.write_file(partime_file, frac_id_file) else: pfailcount += 1 if pfailcount == 0: print("--> All particles exited") else: print("--> Out of {} particles, {} particles did not exit".format( nparticles, pfailcount)) return