Source code for pydfnworks.dfnTrans.transport

import os
import sys
import shutil
from time import time
import subprocess

[docs]def dfn_trans(self): """Primary driver for dfnTrans. Parameters --------- self : object DFN Class Returns -------- None """ print('=' * 80) print("\ndfnTrans Starting\n") print('=' * 80) tic = time() self.copy_dfn_trans_files() self.check_dfn_trans_run_files() self.run_dfn_trans() delta_time = time() - tic self.dump_time('Process: dfnTrans', delta_time) print('=' * 80) print("\ndfnTrans Complete\n") print("Time Required for dfnTrans: %0.2f Seconds\n" % delta_time) print('=' * 80)
[docs]def copy_dfn_trans_files(self): """Creates symlink to dfnTrans Execuateble and copies input files for dfnTrans into working directory Parameters --------- self : object DFN Class Returns -------- None """ print("Attempting to Copy %s\n" % self.dfnTrans_file) try: shutil.copy(self.dfnTrans_file, os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) except OSError: print("--> Problem copying %s file" % self.local_dfnTrans_file) print("--> Trying to delete and recopy") os.remove(self.local_dfnTrans_file) shutil.copy(self.dfnTrans_file, os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) except: print("--> ERROR: Problem copying %s file\n" % self.dfnTrans_file) error = "Unable to replace. Exiting Program\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def run_dfn_trans(self): """ Execute dfnTrans Parameters --------- self : object DFN Class Returns -------- None """ tic = time() failure =['DFNTRANS_EXE'] + ' ' + self.local_dfnTrans_file, shell=True) self.dump_time("Function: DFNTrans ", time() - tic) if failure != 0: error = "--> ERROR: dfnTrans did not complete\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def check_dfn_trans_run_files(self): """ Ensures that all files required for dfnTrans run are in the current directory Parameters --------- self : object DFN Class Returns -------- None Notes ------- None """ cwd = os.getcwd() print( "\nChecking that all files required for dfnTrans are in the current directory" ) print("--> Current Working Directory: %s" % cwd) print("--> dfnTrans is running from: %s" % self.local_dfnTrans_file) print("--> Checking DFNTrans Parameters") params = { "param:": None, "poly:": None, "inp:": None, "stor:": None, "boundary:": None, "out_grid:": None, "out_3dflow:": None, "out_init:": None, "out_tort:": None, "out_curv:": None, "out_avs:": None, "out_traj:": None, "out_fract:": None, "out_filetemp:": None, "out_dir:": None, "out_path:": None, "out_time:": None, "ControlPlane:": None, "control_out:": None, "delta_Control:": None, "flowdir:": None, "init_nf:": None, "init_partn:": None, "init_eqd:": None, "init_npart:": None, "init_fluxw:": None, "init_totalnumber:": None, "init_oneregion:": None, "in_partn:": None, "init_well:": None, "init_nodepart:": None, "in_xmin:": None, "in_xmax:": None, "in_ymin:": None, "in_ymax:": None, "in_zmin:": None, "in_zmax:": None, "init_random:": None, "in_randpart:": None, "init_matrix:": None, "inm_coord:": None, "inm_nodeID:": None, "inm_porosity:": None, "inm_diffcoeff:": None, "streamline_routing:": None, "tdrw:": None, "tdrw_porosity:": None, "tdrw_diffcoeff:": None, "timesteps:": None, "time_units:": None, "flux_weight:": None, "seed:": None, "in-flow-boundary:": None, "out-flow-boundary:": None, "aperture:": None, "aperture_type:": None, "aperture_file:": None, "porosity": None, "density:": None, "satur:": None, "thickness:": None } files = ["param:", "poly:", "inp:", "stor:", "boundary:"] if self.flow_solver == "PFLOTRAN": params["PFLOTRAN_vel:"] = None files.append("PFLOTRAN_vel:") params["PFLOTRAN_cell:"] = None files.append("PFLOTRAN_cell:") params["PFLOTRAN_uge:"] = None files.append("PFLOTRAN_uge:") if self.flow_solver == "FEHM": params["FEHM_fin:"] = None files.append("FEHM_fin:") # Parse DFNTrans input and fill dictionary keys = params.keys() with open(self.local_dfnTrans_file) as fp: for line in fp.readlines(): if "/*" in line: comment = line line = line[:line.index( "/*")] ## only process text before '/*' comment if "//" in line: line = line[:line.index("//")] if len(line) > 0: for key in keys: if key in line: if params[key] == None: params[key] = line.split()[1] #for p in params.keys(): # print(p,params[p]) # Check if file required for the run are in the directory and are not empty for key in files: if params[key] is None: error = f"ERROR!!!!!\nRequired file {key} was not provided.\nPlease check DFNTrans control file\nExiting Program\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) elif not os.path.isfile(params[key]): error = "ERROR!!!!!\nRequired file %s is not the current directory.\nPlease check required files\nExiting Program\n" % params[ key] sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) print( "--> All files required for dfnTrans have been found in current directory\n\n" ) for required in [ "out_grid:", "out_3dflow:", "out_init:", "out_tort:", "out_curv:", "out_avs:", "out_traj:", "out_fract:", "out_filetemp:", "out_dir:", "out_path:", "out_time:", "timesteps:", "time_units:", "flux_weight:", "seed:", "in-flow-boundary:", "out-flow-boundary:", "aperture:", "porosity", "density:", "satur:", "streamline_routing:" ]: if params[required] == None: error = "ERROR!!!\n%s not provided. Exiting\n\n" % (required) sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) # Check Initial conditions, make sure only 1 Initial condition is selected and that # required parameters have been defined print("--> Checking Initial Conditions") initial_conditions = [ ("init_nf:", "init_partn:"), ("init_eqd:", "init_npart:"), ("init_fluxw:", "init_totalnumber:"), ("init_random:", "in_randpart:"), ("init_oneregion:", "in_partn:", "in_xmin:", "in_ymin:", "in_zmin:", "in_xmax:", "in_ymax:", "in_zmax:"), ("init_matrix:", "inm_coord:", "inm_nodeID:", "inm_porosity:"), ("init_well:", "init_nodepart:") ] ic_selected = [] for ic in initial_conditions: #print(ic,params[ic[0]]) if params[ic[0]] == "yes": ic_selected.append(ic[0]) for i in ic: if params[i] == None: error = "Initial condition %s selected but %s not provided\n" % ( ic[0], i) sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if len(ic_selected) > 1: error = "ERROR!!! More than one initial condition defined\nExiting\n" sys.stderr.write(error) print("Selected Initial Conditions:\n:") for ic in ic_selected: print(ic) print() sys.exit(1) elif len(ic_selected) == 0: error = "ERROR!!! No initial condition defined\nExiting\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if params["ControlPlane:"] != None: for required in ["control_out:", "delta_Control:", "flowdir:"]: if params[required] == None: error = "Parameter %s required for ControlPlane\n" % required sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if params["tdrw:"] == "yes": if params["time_units:"] != "seconds": error = "ERROR!!!You must use seconds for the time_units to run TDRW" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) for required in ["tdrw_porosity:", "tdrw_diffcoeff:"]: if params[required] == None: error = "Parameter %s required for tdrw\n" % required sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if params["aperture:"] == "yes": if params["aperture_type:"] == None: error = "Parameter aperture_type: required for aperture: yes\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) else: if not os.path.isfile(params["aperture_file:"]) or os.stat( params["aperture_file:"]).st_size == 0: error = "aperture_file: %s not found or empty\n" % params[ "aperture_file:"] sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) else: if params["thickness:"] == None: error = "Parameter thickness: required for aperture: no:\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) print("--> Checking Initial Conditions Complete")